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Please click on the speaker’s name to download pdf presentations of the seminars.

Biosimilars in breast cancer – the next challenge (sponsored by an educational grant from Amgen)
J. Goncalves; H. Rolighed Christensen; R. Bartsch

Anticoagulation – from theory to practice (sponsored by an educational grant from Bayer)
K. Malá; S. Steurbaut; B. van den Bemt

Biosimilars in cancer care – the next challenge (financial support was provided by Pfizer Limited as a Medical and Educational Goods and Service)
R. Giuliani; P. Cornes; G. Befrits

Synergy breakfast event – The power of automation (sponsored by an educational grant from Omnicell)
G. Honeywell; G. Henneré; M. J. Tamés

The essentials of biologicals – past, present and future (sponsored by an educational grant from Sandoz)
Harald H. Sitte; S. Simoens; P. Troein

Keynote 1 – A fact-based view on global health and infectious diseases
H. Nordenstedt

Keynote 2 – We have a dream!
C. McKay; J. Underhill

Keynote 3 – Marketing the hospital pharmacist profession
C. Picton

IG1 – The efficient pharmacist prioritising tasks and designing processes
R. Fernandes; A. Jacklin

IG2- The productive pharmacist – process and workforce planning
V. Zardet; M. Frachette

IG3 – The effective pharmacist – the team member
A. Sinclair; P. Mirbod

SPD1 – Medicines shortages – a reality check?
T. Hoppe-Tichy; N. Linde-Laursen

SPD2 – Bridging the efficacy/effectiveness gap
A. Gouveia; N. Groessmann

PC1 – Clinical trial regulation and ethical committees
I. Krämer; C. M. Romeo Casabona

PC2 – Hospital mergers and the centralisation of production services
A. Vermes; S. Crauste-Manciet

PC3 – Hospital pharmacists involved in ATPM and in Risk Assessment
A. De Goede; K. Saadat

PC4 – Quality and risk assessment of medicines for children
D. Zanon; A. Lowey

PC5 – Presentation and workshop dedicated to the implementation of the Resolution [CM/Res(2016)2] on good reconstitution practices in European hospitals
H. Scheepers; P. Le Brun

CPS1 – Managing polypharmacy – thinking outside the box
M. Wilson; C. Morrison

CPS2 – Providing pharmaceutical care for patients admitted to their own bedroom
M. Rom; C. Endrell

CPS3 – Antimicrobial stewardship – growing a positive culture
U. Dumpis; J. Thern

PQ1 – Materiovigilance (UDI – tracing – reporting)
V. Nys; B. Lambaux

PQ2 – Ready to administer drugs – is everything under control?
S. Sauer; O. Delgado Sánchez

ER1 – Clinical Trials in Paediatric Haemato-oncology: different ways for HPs to participate
M-B. Aretin; F. Engels

ER2 – Clinical Pharmacy Services: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
L.J. Kjeldsen; J. Krska

ER3 – The art of writing an abstract and getting in accepted
G. Stemer; T. Hoppe-Tichy

Workshop 1 – The pharmacist’s role in the drugs and therapeutics committee
N. Martinez-Lopez de Castro; H. Plet

Workshop 2 – Assessment and clinical importance of pharmacist recommendations
H. Toss; U. Gillespie

Workshop 3 – Check of medication appropriateness (COMA): an instrument to implement clinical guidelines in practice
T. Van Nieuwenhuyse; C. Quintens

Hospital pharmacy in Sweden, highlights and curiosities
K-J. Lindner; U. Gillespie; A. Bergkvist Christensen

Student Programme: An evidence based approach to developing an individualised patient care plan
A. Tonna; K. Gibson Smith



EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.