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What have students, who have completed an internship at one of the hospitals listed in the hospitals database, said about their experience ? 

"I can see how the hospital pharmacy is working in other country. I learn how to implement my knowledge from the university into practice. Also I can improve my language skills and it's nice to know other culture".

"Good co-workers, good hospital with a lot of different areas, developing communication skills and pharmaceutical knowledge".

"Very good supervision of a mentor; amazing organization at the hospital pharmacy; I was asked to take part in every action taken in the pharmacy".

"I felt really well received in the hospital pharmacy team. I had an opportunity to visit different wards, not just to observe work in the pharmacy. During my studies I had practice only in community pharmacy, so this was really great chance to get practical experience also in that field of pharmacist work. I found as well really interesting to notice and compare differences between health care systems in my and host country".

"The pharmacists were experienced with a great deal of knowledge to offer. The culture and the people were welcoming and friendly. The city was amazing, full of life, culture and natural beauty".

"A great deal of trust and responsibility has been given to me in terms of my tasks. My work was useful and really needed.This shows that no useless or extra/special work was given to me. I was fully integrated in the daily routine of a hospital pharmacy. I could fully apply my knowledge gained at University. I felt like being part of the team of pharmacists".

"I can see how the hospital pharmacy is working in other country. I learn how to implement my knowledge from the university into practice. Also I can improve my language skills and it's nice to know other culture".

"Good co-workers, good hospital with a lot of different areas, developing communication skills and pharmaceutical knowledge".

"Very good supervision of a mentor; amazing organization at the hospital pharmacy; I was asked to take part in every action taken in the pharmacy".

"I felt really well received in the hospital pharmacy team. I had an opportunity to visit different wards, not just to observe work in the pharmacy. During my studies I had practice only in community pharmacy, so this was really great chance to get practical experience also in that field of pharmacist work. I found as well really interesting to notice and compare differences between health care systems in my and host country".

"The pharmacists were experienced with a great deal of knowledge to offer. The culture and the people were welcoming and friendly. The city was amazing, full of life, culture and natural beauty".

"A great deal of trust and responsibility has been given to me in terms of my tasks. My work was useful and really needed.This shows that no useless or extra/special work was given to me. I was fully integrated in the daily routine of a hospital pharmacy. I could fully apply my knowledge gained at University. I felt like being part of the team of pharmacists".

Some quotes from the contact persons at the hospitals from the EAHP-EPSA Internship Platform :

“A great deal of trust and responsibility has been given to me in terms of my tasks. My work was useful and really needed.This shows that no useless or extra/special work was given to me. I was fully integrated in the daily routine of a hospital pharmacy. I could fully apply my knowledge gained at University. I felt like being part of the team of pharmacists”.

Dr Roberto Frontini – Universitätklinikum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

“We are living in a moment of great changes in the Italian Hospitals and in our everyday job. We are now facing with several items quite different from what we studied at the University and our job is changing too. Sustainability, affordability, efficacy and effectiveness are the new words we have to know and to study. I think that having students from other countries is a vary good opportunity for us and the students too for compare the different National Health Systems and pharmaceutical policies. Moreover, Florence is a very nice town”.

Dr Roberto Banfi – Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Florence, Italy

EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.