Policy Hub

June 2024
Hospital pharmacists due to their knowledge and skills are specialists in the field of all medicines procurement. Hospital pharmacists should lead in all phases of the procurement processes and practices to ensure the continuity of supply of cost-effective and quality medicines to patients.
June 2024
Resolving medicines shortage problems
Problems caused by medicines shortages are serious, threaten patient care in hospitals and require urgent action. EAHP’s position paper on shortages outlines the nature of the problem and the activity required by each part of the supply chain to resolve the problem. It also calls for a European-wide investigation into the causes and improved communication between stakeholders.

October 2023
Protecting patient safety
Patient safety lies at the heart of all representations made by EAHP and its member associations. The position paper of EAHP touches on the role of the hospital pharmacist in the medication use process and focuses on medication errors, a key concern for hospital pharmacists.
June 2023
Hospital Pharmacy Workforce
The posiiton paper aims at identifying the needs of the hospital pharmacy workforce and puts forward actions that should be taken at the local and national levels, including short-term measures for improving pharmacy staffing and long-term plans for securing a resilient workforce, as a way to better respond to these needs.
Healthcare workforce shortages are felt across the globe in all professions. The World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted for its European region that countries are currently facing severe challenges related to their healthcare workforce.

June 2023
Combatting antimicrobial resistance
The escalating threat of antimicrobial resistance is a global public health concern and now seriously jeopardises the effectiveness of standard treatments, rendering some ineffective for their approved indications. EAHP is calling for health system managers to promote fuller use of the hospital pharmacy profession’s skills and knowledge to drive improved stewardship of antimicrobials in the hospital sector.
June 2023
Biosimilar medicines
Due to the rising importance of biosimilar medicines, EAHP decided to set out the position of the Association on key issues concerning biosimilar medicines including the role of hospital pharmacists, naming of biosimilar medicines, extrapolation of indications, information about biosimilar medicines as well as interchangeability, switching and substitution of biosimilar medicines.

June 2023
eHealth and mHealth
EAHP’s policy statement on eHealth and mHealth calls for: systematic and universal achievement of electronic prescribing and use of electronic patient records;ensuring bar coding of medicines to the single unit primary package to enable more widespread takeup of bedside scanning in European hospitals, thus improving patient safety; appropriate regulatory oversight mechanisms to ensure the promises of mHealth applications have a positive impact, and to limit the opportunity for ‘rogue’ applications; and, ensuring hospital pharmacists are involved in the design, specification of parameters and evaluation of ICT within the medicines processes.
June 2022
Further increasing safety for healthcare professionals
Hazardous medicinal products are vital for the treatment of both cancerous and other non-cancerous diseases. Hospital pharmacists are responsible for the preparation of these medicinal products and like all healthcare professionals that handle and administer hazardous medicinal products are exposed to certain risks.

June 2022
Meeting future healthcare challenges in clinical trials
Clinical trials are essential for continuously improving patient outcomes and their quality of life. Hospital pharmacists are members of the multidisciplinary team needed for safely managing clinical trials. Within the European Union, clinical trials are governed by the Clinical Trials Regulation which harmonises the processes for assessment and supervision. EAHP outlines in this position paper the role of the hospital pharmacists in clinical trials, provides information on the need to involve different patient groups, reflects on the improvements in Europe’s clinical trial landscape and discusses the role of ethics committees in clinical trials.
June 2022
Making a difference by revolutionising patient care with ATMPs
This position paper outlines the roles and responsibilities of hospital pharmacists in the handling of ATMPs, addresses their education and training in relation to these products and provides insights on the assessment of ATMPs and pharmacoeconomics.

June 2021
Making a difference in medication by advancing the hospital pharmacy profession
Hospital pharmacy specialisation advances patient safety and high quality healthcare. EAHP fights for those rights everyday with the help of every of you.
June 2021
Increasing access to medicines to meet the needs of patients
EAHP advocates for affordable medicines of good quality that are provided in a timely manner to patients. To achieve this goal barriers to treatment access need to be broken down and the uptake of enablers that promote and safeguard the access of patients to both new life-saving medicines and older, essential medicines must be increased.

October 2020
Pharmacy Preparations and Compounding
The position paper aims at providing information about the practice of pharmacy preparations and compounding in hospitals and asks for a stronger embedment of compounding and reconstitution practices in European hospital pharmacies, linked to increasing capacity and training.
June 2019
Preparing health systems for an ageing society
EAHP calls for the utilisation of using hospital pharmacists’ expertise to manage polypharmacy, evaluate drug appropriateness and increase drug adherence in older patients.

June 2016
SmPC and density information
This position paper sets out a formal request for improvement to the standard requirements of information included in an SmPC. EAHP and its membership call on the European Medicines Agency, the European Commission, and national medicines agencies to bring about a change to SmPC requirements; that marketing authorisation holders and applicants provide information within the SmPC specifying the density of a drug solution.
August 2013
Medical Device Regulation
As an impacted stakeholder EAHP takes a particular interest in the discussions on the future regulatory regime for the assessment, use and vigilance of medical devices in Europe.

July 2013
Preserving health system improvements from public spending austerity
Cuts to expenditure and investment in the hospital setting almost self-evidently pose risk of detriment to patient care and safety. In response to the impacts of public spending austerity being felt in health services across Europe, the 34 member countries of EAHP passed policy alerting decision-makers to the dangers and the need for diligent care in approach.
June 2012
Bar coding medicines to the single dose
A complete identification of a medicine, up to the moment of administration, is a key element of a safe medicines dispensing procedure in hospitals.

European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM)
EDQM is part of the Council of Europe and aims to protect public health by enabling the development, supporting the implementation and monitoring the application of quality standards for safe medicines and their safe use which are recognised as a scientific benchmark and applied worldwide.

World Health Organisation Regional Office Europe (WHO Europe)
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends. The WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) is one of WHO’s six regional offices around the world. It covers 53 countries.

European Association of Pharmacy Technicians (EAPT)
EAPT aims to strengthen the recognition of its members as representatives of pharmacy technicians across Europe and build awareness of policy initiatives in member countries and protect the pharmacy technician role.

European Pharmaceutical Students Association (EPSA)
It is the goal of EPSA to represent, reach and engage every single pharmaceutical student in Europe to collaborate on the development of the future of pharmacy and healthcare together.

European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
The European Public Health Alliance represents over 80 members in 30 countries, including public health NGOs, patient and disease groups and health professionals, reflecting and bringing together different aspects of the public health community in Europe.

European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
ESMO aims to improve the quality of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, supportive and palliative care, as well as the follow-up of patients with malignant diseases, the art, science, recognition, and practice of oncology. Also, the society aims to ensure a high standard of qualification of medical oncologists within the multidisciplinary team and promote equal access to optimal cancer care for all cancer patients.

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESCIM)
ESCIM supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development and foster research and education.

European Society of Oncology Pharmacists (ESOP)
ESOP seeks to develop and promote clinical and oncology pharmacy practice through education and training, safe handling and administration of drugs, quality management, research and development and pharmaceutical care.

European Specialist Nursing Organisations (ESNO)
ESNO promotes the recognition of and the professional status of the specialist nurse at the European level.

European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)
UEMS aims to build greater strength through mutual cooperation and speaking with ‘one voice’ in the international representation of medical specialists and to promote free movement through the harmonization of the highest level of specialist training and medical care.

Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU)
The Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union represents the community pharmacy perspective in relation to legislative and policy initiatives at EU level which affect our profession and/or public health. PGEU’s members are the national associations and professional bodies of community pharmacists in 31 European countries including EU Member States, EU candidate countries and EEA/EFTA countries. PGEU’s Ordinary Members are associations from EU Member States, while PGEU’s Observer Members are organisations from non-EU European countries.

The European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy (EAFP)
The EAFP’s purpose is to facilitate collaboration between university-Ievel schools of pharmacy as well as exchanges for both students and faculty members; to support member faculties in their efforts to develop resources, effective methods of learning and teaching, balanced curricula and quality assurance of education by advice concerning internal and external evaluation and accreditation; to develop harmonized European quality standards for the structure and outcomes of pharmacy education; to promote joint research projects between scientists in academic institutions and the pharmaceutical industry; to facilitate the establishment of a common European Area of Higher Pharmacy Education and Research, to maintain cohesion of its members by organizing regular meetings at European level and by publishing newsletters and to cooperate with other national or international organizations in relevant fields.

The European Federation of Nurses (EFN)
The EFN was established in 1971 to represent the nursing profession and its interests to the European institutions, based on the nursing education and free movement Directives being drafted by the European Commission. Representing more than one million nurses over 36 National Nurses Associations at European level.

The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE)
The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation actively monitors EU policies and legislations likely to have an impact on the operation of hospitals and healthcare services and provides
input and the perspective of healthcare providers in arenas where these issues are debated.

The European Society of Clinical Phamarcy (ESCP)
The European Society of Clinical Phamarcy promotes, supports, implements and advances education, practice and research in clinical pharmacy in order to optimize outcomes for patients and society. Specifically, it promotes the value and impact of clinical pharmacy services among health care professionals, scientific societies, health authorities and the public, raises awareness of clinical pharmacy practice and its activities across Europe and internationally (e.g. through publications), promotoes a philosophy of practice in which clinical pharmacists are members of a multidisciplinary team of patient-centred health care providers and it supports R&D in clinical pharmacy.

The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME)
The Standing Committee of European Doctors represents national medical associations across Europe in contributing the medical profession’s point of view to EU institutions and European policy-making through pro-active cooperation on a wide range of health and healthcare related issues.

International Medication Safety Network (IMSN)
The International Medication Safety Network (IMSN) is an international network of established safe medication practice centres, operating medication error reporting programmes and producing guidance to minimise preventable harms from medicine use in practice. IMSN promotes safer medication practice to improve patient safety internationally.

World Health Organisation (WHO)
WHO works worldwide to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. Its goal is to ensure that a billion more people have universal health coverage, to protect a billion more people from health emergencies, and provide a further billion with better health and wellbeing.

American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)
ACCP is a professional and scientific society that provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources enabling clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in practice, research, and education. ACCP is the professional home for clinical pharmacy practitioners, scientists, educators, administrators, students, residents, and fellows from more than 60 countries committed to excellence in clinical pharmacy.

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
ASHP represents pharmacists who serve as patient care providers in acute and ambulatory settings. The organization’s nearly 50,000 members include pharmacists, student pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians. For more than 75 years, ASHP has been at the forefront of efforts to improve medication use and enhance patient safety.

Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP)
The Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) is the national voluntary organization of pharmacists committed to patient care through the advancement of safe, effective medication use in hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings. CSHP supports its members through advocacy, education, information sharing, promotion of best practices, facilitation of research and recognition of excellence.

Drug Information Association (DIA)
DIA fosters innovation to improve health and well-being worldwide by providing invaluable forums to exchange vital information and discuss current issues related to healthcare products, technologies, and services; delivering customized learning experiences; building, maintaining, and facilitating trusted relationships with and among individuals and organizations that drive and share DIA values and mandates; and offering a multidisciplinary neutral environment, respected globally for integrity and relevancy.

International Pharmaceutical Federation – Hospital Pharmacy Section (FIP)
The Hospital Pharmacy Section of FIP aims to promote, on the one hand, the exchange of views on professional subjects relating to the duties and responsibilities of hospital pharmacists and, on the other, pharmaceutical care for patients in hospital-related facilities. It also intends to foster continuous education programmes for hospital pharmacists.

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA)
The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) is the national professional organisation for more than 5,200 pharmacists, pharmacist interns, students, technicians and associates working across Australia’s health system. SHPA is the only professional pharmacy organisation with a strong base of members practising in public and private hospitals and other health services.

Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (CJHP)
The CJHP is indexed in IPA, EMBASE, and SCOPUS, archived in PubMed Central, searchable via Scirus and Google Scholar.

CMR International
The Centre for Medicines Research (CMR) International is the most established and reputable source of pharmaceutical industry metrics and trends analysis. CMR International is distinguished by its ability to collect, validate and analyze industry-wide proprietary R&D performance metrics, using a proven and secure process. This capability enables it to provide partners with readily accessible information designed to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of their R&D operations. As a result, CMR International is the world’s most authoritative source of R&D performance metrics, facts and trends. Its performance metrics programs cover every aspect of pharmaceutical R&D and the programs are ongoing and focused on key issues, with datasets built over 20 years of rigorous development. The datasets have unique depth and historical context to uncover reliable industry trends, set in context against the changing marketplace.

Drug Watch
Drugwatch provides information on high-risk medical products and health issues, and helps people take legal action if they’ve been injured.

Global Data
Global Data creates intelligence on the world’s largest industries by leveraging unique data, expert analysis, and innovative solutions for companies, government organisations, and industry professionals. It covers the entire spectrum of the pharmaceutical and medical devices value system – from suppliers, manufacturers and distribution channel, all the way through to insights and trends across the globe. With in-depth analysis, exclusive news, and highly detailed databases, it gives you complete 360° insight into these industries.

International Pharmaceutical Congress Advisory Association (IPCAA)
Drugwatch provides information on high-risk medical products and health issues, and helps people take legal action if theyIPCAA seeks to ensure the most beneficial outcome for all parties involved in medical congresses, through the development of common and consistent congress policies and through recognised partnerships with medical societies. The organisation is in regular contact with leading policy-making healthcare organisations. IPCAA is an affiliate member of International Federation on Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA). IPCAA also facilitates and organises platforms for discussion and education of topics amongst relevant meetings industry stakeholders and contributes to improve the understanding of topics such as compliance and transparency. All employees of a member company benefit from information exchange in congress related matters, free participation of IPCAA member events and the immense network opportunities. NOTE: IPCAA does not organize any congresses itself.’ve been injured.

Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA)
The International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) developed MedDRA, a rich and highly specific standardised medical terminology to facilitate sharing of regulatory information internationally for medical products used by humans. MedDRA is available to all for use in the registration, documentation and safety monitoring of medical products both before and after a product has been authorised for sale. Products covered by the scope of MedDRA include pharmaceuticals, biologics, vaccines and drug-device combination products. Today, its growing use worldwide by regulatory authorities, pharmaceutical companies, clinical research organisations and health care professionals allows better global protection of patient health.

MedicReS – Medical Research Support
MedicReS – Medical Research Support is a worldwide program aiming to increase the trust and reliability of the medical researches’ results by supporting the researchers with methodology education programs and modules to form ‘Good Medical Research’. MedicReS serves all the researchers worldwide by special education programs, modules and tools. MedicReS CLUB is personal and free. CLUB members may join MedicReS international education programs, use research design and biostatistics tools and activities with special rates and join MedicReS scientific network.

SIRE Life Sciences
SIRE Life Sciences is a Recruitment & Executive Search Consultancy dedicated exclusively to the European Life Science industry. SIRE Life Sciences provides a “Complete-Life-Science-Cycle-Search-Solution” to both Life Science Professionals and Life Science Employers operating in the European Life Science sector. SIRE Life Sciences offers a tailor made European-wide service for both Permanent or Freelance solutions specialized in delivering into the world’s leading Life Science institutions.

The Partnership for Safemedicines
The Partnership for Safe Medicines is a group of organizations and individuals that have policies, procedures, or programs to protect consumers from counterfeit or contraband medicines. Some partners participate in public education efforts to help educate consumers and professionals about counterfeit drugs. Their efforts are recognized on this page about their counterfeit drug education efforts.

Web Diretory Health
Web Directory Health is a list of quality health and Medical related websites. We have made different Categories of Medical and Health field so that you can submit and market your website by submitting to our Health related directory. So in order to submit your site to our Health Directory first make sure that the site your are submitting is a real quality web site and is related directly or indirectly to Medical or Health related field. Once you submit your site into our Medical marketing directory we will review your website.

European Hospital
European Hospital publishes a bi-monthly newspaper which covers healthcare issues and is particularly renowned for its focus on medical technology. We also publish newspapers for congresses, trade fairs and exhibition as well as special reprints. Our popular product catalogues RadBook and LabBook complete our range of print publications. Explore news, in-depth reporting, background articles and interviews at healthcare-in-europe.com

pharmaphorum.com, and its associated digital magazine Deep Dive, is a leading online destination for healthcare and pharmaceutical industry news, insight and debate. Its clients span the healthcare sector, including global pharmaceutical companies, mid-size biopharma, biotech, service providers, patient organisations / charities and healthcare providers as well as external partners, including communications/marketing agencies, physician/patient communities, technology providers, contract research organisations and many others.
Below are some national legislations on hospital pharmacy.
Note that these texts are regularly updated and amended by the national legislators and EAHP may not possess the latest version available.
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![]() | Belgian legislation on hospital pharmacy – Dutch speaking community |
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This website provides hospital pharmacists with information on open consultations that are being conducted by EAHP, the European Medicines Agency, the European Commission and any other entities or individuals.
No open consultation at the moment.
European Commission
Due date | Name of consultation | Scope of consultation |
19/02/2024 | Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) – Review | The Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) was set up by the Commission in 2021 to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Commission has opened a public consultation to gather views from various stakeholders on HERA’s performance. |
European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Due date | Name of consultation | Scope of consultation |
09/02/2024 | Guideline on specific adverse reaction follow-up questionnaires (Specific AR FUQ) | This draft guideline on Specific Adverse Reaction Follow-up questionnaires (Specific AR FUQ) gives detailed guidance on how and when to use Specific AR FUQ in risk management as part of routine pharmacovigilance activities. |
31/03/2024 | Concept paper on the establishment of a Guideline on the development and manufacture of human medicinal products specifically designed for phage therapy | This concept paper proposes to establish a scientific guideline for the pharmaceutical development and manufacture of bacteriophage medicinal products intended for the treatment or prophylaxis of one or more specific bacterial infection(s) or infectious disease(s) in humans. |
No open consultation at the moment.
No open consultation at the moment.