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2024 Winner – Merve Oğuz, Türkiye

The EAHP-EPSA Student Award in 2024 went to Merve Oğuz for her abstract “Investigation of drug-drug interactions in hospitalised patients in a palliative service”.

2023 Winner – Usman Arshad, UK

“I am extremely grateful and honoured to have been invited to attend the 27th EAHP Congress in Lisbon. The opportunity to present my research and have it recognised has been a truly fulfilling experience, one that has inspired me to continue my pursuit of clinical knowledge and research. While conducting research can be challenging, it is equally rewarding, and being acknowledged at such a prestigious event has motivated me to continue pushing the boundaries of my field.

Meeting with pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies from various parts of Europe was an incredibly informative experience. I found the congress to be an invaluable resource that provided me with insights into the latest developments and trends in the pharmaceutical industry. Overall, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this event and look forward to applying the knowledge and insights I gained to practice.”

2022 Winner – Aiva Birne, Latvia

“Participation in EAHP Congress is very important for a young pharmacist. To be there, see, listen and learn from such inspiring and experienced speakers. I am very grateful and honored that I was able to be there and that now I can share new ideas, insights and take home messages with my colleagues in Latvia. If anyone has any doubts about submitting an abstract in this competition, I would say that you have to try, because not only winning, but participation is important. It also provides an opportunity to participate in a webinar with knowledgeable EAHP members who are ready to help young researchers.”

2021 Winner – Teodora Bulog, Serbia

“I am honoured and grateful for the opportunity to attend the EAHP Congress and to learn from the inspiring presenters who have motivated me to continue researching, learning and improving myself in order to give the highest standard of care to patients. I encourage all students to submit their abstracts to the competition, as they could gain a lot of valuable experience which is likely to help them in their later work and careers. Winning the EAHP-EPSA Student Science Award grants the opportunity to attend this important and incredible event.”

2018 Winner – Terry Hennache, France

The EAHP-EPSA Student Award in 2018 went to Terry Hennache for his abstract “Clinical evaluation of Druglog® apparatus for the control of parenteral preparations in operative room and high dependency unit”.

2016 Winner – Rok Barle, Slovenia

“At first I didn’t know if my research was appropriate for a competition such as EAHP-EPSA Student Science Award and whether I should apply or not but after some consultation with my supervisor I decided to take the challenge. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in such an event, because despite the time and hard work I had to put in the abstract and article, it was a very pleasant experience from which I have learned a lot.
If you like the field of Hospital Pharmacy and are working on something that you are proud of, I encourage you to take part in the competition and do not hesitate. After all, it’s not about winning or losing – it’s the participation that counts.”

2015 Winner – Claudine Aziz, Ireland

Read more about Claudine’s experience in the EPSA Newsletter on page 24.

“I would urge everyone to take this initiative. Research is hard work but it is rewarding and I would urge anyone who has undertaken any research or project that they are proud of to go for it, and to enter competitions like EAHP-EPSA Student Science Award. Believe in the unbelievable, which is what this experience has been like for me.” 

2014 Winner – Danika Agius Decelis, Malta

Read more about Danika’s experience here and in the EPSA Newsletter on page 13:

“The EAHP-EPSA Science Award not only gives justice to the hard work I did, the months I spent going back and forth to the hospital to interview patients and the stressful days spent evaluating results, but it also rewards the great team of experts I had to guide me, without whom the research would not have been successful.

I encourage all students to do their best and submit their work for evaluation. It is a great privilege to be of help to fellow human beings and winning an award such as this crowns one’s achievement. The joy, honour and pride one feels when his or her work is appreciated are beyond words.”

You can also check out the video about the Award featuring 2014 winner as well.

2011 Winner – Mariana Fróis, Portugal

Mariana advises:

“Being proactive is a way of living that can only bring you positive outcomes. Those of you, who have gathered data or done research during your studies in a field that relates to hospital pharmacy, but haven’t had the opportunity to write a scientific article, contact your professor or reach out to a researcher and ask for some help on it. Ask for their guidance and keep your motivation up. Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (EJHP) staff will provide you with the valuable reviews and layout editing prior to the publication of the article as well.

The writing of the article was challenging, but once completed it gave me a great sense of satisfaction!”


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.