For each topic area, the below actions should take place:
- Gathering and evaluating the evidence in the specific, innovative and novel fields of HP practice
- Exchanging the best practices
- Proposing educational content for EAHP educational events and creating and facilitating educational content using various educational platforms
- Support preparation and drafting position papers and pan-European guidelines in the selected fields of HP practice
- Support EAHP Board and policy team in formulating EAHP positions, proposals or providing feedback to stakeholders such as European Commission and European Medicines Agency.
- Analysis of the role of hospital pharmacists in light of the needs of everyday hospital pharmacy practice
- Assessment and evaluation of established procedures in hospital pharmacies to ensure optimal patient care
The main benefits of the SIGs are:
- to bring professionals together with a common interest to advance patient safety and outcomes by sharing ideas, opinions and experience with their peers
- to provide pharmacists across Europe with direct access to information related to specific topics
- to provide the transfer of knowledge between healthcare, academia and industry professionals and researchers and to provide networking opportunities
- to incorporate the interest of healthcare professionals with those of patients
- to provide reliable health information resources for healthcare professionals and patients
- to increase awareness among stakeholders to strengthen partnerships in order to optimize patient care
- to facilitate access to information through the EAHP web site, newsletters, publications, etc.
EAHP’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) gather and evaluate the evidence in specific, innovative and novel fields of hospital pharmacy practice with the aim to address patient needs and to advance the profession.