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Scientific Committee

The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists is committed to providing educational innovation and training of hospital pharmacists to a level of specialisation and maintain continuing professional development (CPD). We will facilitate and enhance the professional growth of European hospital pharmacists and develop hospital pharmacy in order to promote the best and safest use of medicines and medical devices for the benefit of patients in Europe.

Educational Goals
  • To identify the educational needs of EAHP members and prepare educational programmes to meet those needs.
  • To provide knowledge and application based educational programmes to assist pharmacists who practice in hospitals meet their patient care responsibilities and expand their professional roles and goals.
  • To share best practice, innovation and educational programmes that can be applied to daily practice.
  • To promote hospital pharmacy practice research.


  • Prof. Dr. Thomas De Rijdt (Belgium)


  • Dr. Torsten Hoppe-Tichy (Germany)
  • Dr. Ulrika Gillespie (Sweden)
  • Mrs Despoina Makridaki (Greece)
  • Dr. Gunar Stemer (Austria)
  • Dr. Inese Sviestiņa (Latvia)
  • Dr. Juraj Sykora (Slovakia)
  • Dr. Virginia Silvari (Ireland)
  • Mr Jonathan Underhill (United Kingdom)
  • Mr Armando Alcobia (Portugal)
  • Dr. Fatma Karapinar (The Netherlands)
  • Dr. Stefanie Deuster (Swizterland)
  • Dr. Daniele Mengato (Italy)
  • Dr. Xandra Garcia Gonzalez (Spain)
  • Dr. Clément Delage (France)
  • Dr. Adrin Dadkhah (Germany)
  • Dr. Barbora Kostalova (Czech Republic)
  • Dr. Chiara Lamesta (Italy)
  • Dr. Hanna Tolonen (Finland)
  • Mrs. Joo Hanne Poulsen Revell (Denmark)
  • Prof. Roisin O’Hare (UK)
  • Prof. Sandra Vezmar Kovacevic (Serbia)
  • Ms. Sonja Guntschnig (Austria)
24th Congress- Barcelona6

Education Executive Committee

The EAHP Education Executive Committee oversees and makes sure that all education activities are in line with EAHP’s mission. In particular the Education Executive Committee decides on the topics that will be covered by the EAHP Special Interest Groups.

  • Mr. Nenad Milkjovic (Serbia)
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas De Rijdt (Belgium)
  • Dr. Gunar Stemer (Austria)
  • Louis Bertin (France)
  • Jennie DeGreef (USA)

Organising Committee

The EAHP Organising Committee oversees the organisation and development of the EAHP Congress.

  • Dr. Nenad Miljković (Serbia) - President
  • Dr. Louis Bertin (France) - Director of Finances of the EAHP
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas De Rijdt (Belgium) - Chairman of the Scientific Committee
  • Mrs Jennie De Greef (United States) - Managing Director
24th Congress- Barcelona2

Steering Committee for the Common Training Framework Project

The Common Training Framework project is overseen by a Steering Committee that takes as its mission to monitor the formation of a common training framework for hospital pharmacy in Europe in order to enhance the quality of, safety of, and equity of access to, patient care in every European country.


The CTF Steering Committee members are:

  • Petr Horak (Chair, Czech Republic)
  • Aida Batista ( Portugal)
  • António Gouveia (Portugal)
  • Guillaume Hache (France)
  • Eduardo Echarri (Spain)
  • Jos Kosterink (The Netherlands)
  • Juraj Sykora (Slovakia)
  • Paolo Serra (Italy)
  • Olivia Dalleur (Belgium)
  • Ana Lozano (Spain)

EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.