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What is the EAHP Student Award?

During its annual congress, EAHP announces the winner of the EAHP – EPSA Student Science Award. This award is given to a European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (EPSA) member to recognise and honour the best research authored by an undergraduate student or one that has graduated within two years before submitting the abstract for the EAHP – EPSA Student Science Award.

If you have been involved in interesting research, don’t miss this golden opportunity to present your research at an international conference for hospital pharmacy.

Why should I submit my research for this Award?

EPSA members should take pride in the research activity they are involved in and not allow modesty to prevent them from seeking publication and recognition.

The purpose of the EAHP – EPSA Student Science Award is to provide motivation and inspiration to the hospital pharmacists of the future to commence an early relationship with the research and publishing aspect of the hospital pharmacy profession, and to encourage individuals’ personal and professional development in this area.

Undergraduates can bring unique perspectives on practice issues as newcomers to the profession, offering a “fresh pair of eyes” to many familiar professional challenges.

The EAHP – EPSA Student Science Award seeks to draw out that perspective and bring it to a wider audience.

The Award is also designed to create opportunities for individuals to support their early career development and enable quality work they have conducted to be recognised.

Finally, the Award presents a chance for individuals to share their passion for particular aspects of hospital pharmacy with the profession.

The author of the winning abstract will receive a complimentary registration to the Congress, including the coverage of travel and accommodation expenses (up to 500 Euros), as well as official recognition at the EAHP Congress closing ceremony.

Will my research be eligible?

Any original research which you have been involved in can be submitted as long as it is relevant to hospital pharmacy and is primarily written by students. Find below some examples of research in the hospital setting and concrete research articles by Piera Polidori, EAHP Director of Professional Development. 

In case you need inspiration, you are also invited to look at the past winners and see the research they worked on. 

If you have any questions about whether the work you are currently conducting, or have previously conducted, is eligible for submission for this Award, and how it should be presented, please get in touch with EAHP for assistance by emailing 

What is the timeline for the Award?

First, have a look at THIS VIDEO which will give you a first insight on how to approach writing a good abstract. May you have any questions after watching you are free to address them at the “How to write an abstract” webinar.

The webinar on “How to write an abstract” will be held twice this year. The first webinar took place on 30 May 2023 and the second one will take place on 4 September 2023 from 18.00 to 19.30 CEST. Joining the webinar will give you more time to prepare your abstract. You will be able to learn the theory behind it, with a Q&A session following after, allowing students to clarify the last doubts before finishing the first drafts and ideas for the abstracts. Note that participation in the webinar is strongly recommended to be eligible to participate in the Award.

Your ideas for your abstract must be submitted by 30 June 2023 for those joining the first webinar and by 30 September 2023 for those joining the second webinar.
After all abstract ideas are received, they will be reviewed by the EAHP Board Members responsible for student affairs. Their feedback and comments will then be disseminated to students/recent graduates participating in the Award.

You will have sufficient time to incorporate the feedback and to prepare your final abstract. The final abstract should be submitted to no later than 13.00 CET on 30 November 2023 together with proof of student status and the Student Involvement Form.

What are the procedures for submitting?

Step by step:


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.