Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to provide an introduction to this website that links with the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy. The Statements and their implementation represent what EAHP believes is the future of the profession to move towards a more modern and safer delivery of the hospital pharmacy service to improve patients’ outcomes.
First of all, I would like to start by acknowledging the work and efforts of EAHP Immediate Past President Joan Peppard, who put in motion the Statement implementation project in 2016. In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to also acknowledge the great efforts and commitment of our 35 national associations and their national implementation ambassadors. They are key to this project and to the vision that the EAHP Board has for the future of the profession.
In 2014, EAHP published the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy, approved at the European Summit of Hospital Pharmacy, that express commonly agreed objectives and recommendations for pharmacy practice which every European health system should aim for in hospital pharmacy services. These statements were developed in partnership with patient and healthcare professional organisations and EAHP’s member country associations and have been endorsed by numerous other professional and patient organization since the 2014 Summit.
EAHP is now working to move towards the implementation of the Statements within our members countries. A lot has been progressed since the project started in spring 2016. A strong network of implementation ambassadors has been set up (with 3 meetings and 2 trainings held in Brussels since 2016). Implementation ambassadors are key to help develop national implementation strategies at the national level.
In addition, the EAHP implementation team developed and launched two initiatives at the 23rd EAHP Congress in Gothenburg (March 2018): the self-assessment tool and the Statement Implementation Learning Collaborative programme (SILCC).
Assessing your pharmacy with the self-assessment tool will help you understand the level of implementation within your hospitals while providing tailored action plans and evidence-based resource that will help you better understand the Statements.
The SILCC programme allows hospital pharmacists to visit hospitals from other members countries to receive training in pharmacy procedures linked to the Statements. Along with the Good Practice Initiatives, the SILCC programme offers the opportunity to get inspired and learn from the colleagues who already have advanced in the implementation, and thus allows hospital pharmacists throughout the Europe to use their capability and capacity towards fostering implementation of the other Statements.
I hope you will find this website hopeful and look forward for your engagement in the shaping of the future of the profession.
Our team is looking forward to hearing your from should you have any questions.
Thank you very much for your time and support.