Current position
Venetia Simchowitz is currently the Consultant Pharmacist for Clinical Nutrition at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust and has been employed at the trust since 2002. She leads a team of pharmacists providing pharmaceutical care and parenteral nutrition within the trust and to patients at home.
She represents paediatric pharmacy in a number of groups within the NHS, including the National HPN stakeholders group where she is vice chair. and the NHS England Clinical Advice and Management Group and has been involved in developing national guidance statements on clinical care and shortages. She is vice chair for the British Pharmaceutical Nutrition Group (BPNG) and a member of PANG (Paediatric & Neonatal gastroenterology) specialist interest group of NPPG (Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacy group).
She obtained her pharmacy degree from the University of Brighton in 1996 and became a qualified pharmacist in 1997. She completed her post graduate diploma in Pharmacy practice at the University of Brighton in 2004, qualified as an independent prescriber for Paediatric Parenteral Nutrition in Sept 2007 and undertook a Master of Science degree in Critical Care at Cardiff University in 2013.
Research area
Her research focuses on nutrition in neonates and intensive care. She is a passionate advocate for nutritional care for neonates and paediatric and was the sole paediatric pharmacist for the ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR working party providing evidence-based guidelines for Paediatric Parenteral Nutrition (publication 2005, 2018).
Conflict of interest
Served at Baxter Advisory Board