Using in-house rapid quality control equipment to reveal morphine ampoule tampering – A case report
European Statement
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance
Robert Baghdarsarian, Karin Hellström, Mattias Paulsson
Why was it done?
The health care providers at the Paediatric Emergency Ward discovered that when opening glass ampoules of morphine by snapping the top off, this did not result in the normal straight cut by the score. A close examination also revealed residual glue and the glass at the ampoule neck not being fully transparent. The sealed outer packaging also seemed manipulated for most of the morphine ampoules stored in the ward medication room. Simultaneously, staff discovered that one of the paediatric patients had not received the anticipated analgesic effect of the ordered morphine infusion.
What was done?
This case report describes how the compounding unit of Uppsala University Hospital (CU) was able to assist in analysing the contents of morphine glass ampoules and infusion solutions, in a case with suspected tampered containers
How was it done?
CU has invested in an easy-to-use spectrophotometer to check the concentration and identity of chemotherapy prepared in the clean rooms. The primary focus is to have an independent system to check preparations done by the chemotherapy robot e.g. in connection with software upgrades. This equipment was within hours adapted to be used for morphine analyses. The results clearly show that the infusion labelled 10 mg/mL was tampered with, containing only 0,4 mg/mL morphine. Samples were also sent to the Microbiological laboratory to check for risks for microbial exposure during infusion of tampered morphine.
What has been achieved?
CU was able to provide results of the contents of all ampoules, and the infusion solution administered to the patient, within a couple of hours and without any cost. The results showed that all ampoules had been emptied from its labelled contents and likely refilled with Sodium Chloride 9 mg/mL. The infusion solution given to patient was also likely prepared from a tampered ampoule. These results were crucial information in the conversation with parents about the incident, and the subsequent report to the police regarding the probable violence offence.
What next?
We recommend that all healthcare settings evaluate the possibility to collaborate closer with the hospital pharmacy, and in new ways.
Thanks to our CU being an integral part of the hospital with close interaction with wards, this rapid handling was possible to stage.