EHMA announces its 2022 Annual Conference in Brussels
The European Health Management Association (EHMA) will be hosting its 27th Annual Conference on 15-17 June 2022 for the first time in Brussels, Belgium. The conference theme ‘From people to systems: leadership for a sustainable future’ will explore challenges and solutions to creating sustainable health systems and ways health managers can lead towards them.
Health management has never been more important than today, when health systems are analysing their COVID-19 response and looking for ways to build back better. The EHMA 2022 Annual Conference will explore challenges and solutions to creating sustainable health systems and ways health managers can lead towards them. The conference programme will be articulated around four tracks that reflect the holistic practice and framework of health management: Governance and leadership; Management, operation and practice; Finance and economics; and Policy and regulation.
The Conference will be held in Brussels and it will be the first in-person EHMA Conference in two years, presenting a unique opportunity for health managers, and professionals, to have their voices heard and to connect with policy- and decision-makers and inform policymaking at the European level.
If you want to learn more, please visit www.ehmaconference.org.