On Tuesday 3rd September EAHP President Dr Roberto Frontini launched the European Summit on Hospital Pharmacy at the Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin.
The meeting was held as a fringe event of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress at the Dublin Convention Centre.
The videos below give an introduction to the background, context, purpose, intended outcomes and methodology of the Summit.
In this interview, EAHP President Dr Roberto Frontini In this video speakers and audience members give their
explains the purpose of the Summit and the desired outcomes: views and responses to the launch of the initiative:
EAHP Policy and Advocacy Officer Richard Price explains the Dr Roberto Frontini describes the background to the initiative, its purpose
Summit voting process and the involvement of patient and other and intended outcomes, and why a Summit is necessary to take hospital
healthcare professionals in the process: pharmacy service and practice standards to the next level in Europe:
Dr Roberto Frontini presentation – Part 2: Other presentations: