1. Current Status, Position
Dr. Vorilhon (MD in Medicine) is Physician assistant in the cardiology department of the University Hospital of Clermont Ferrand.
2. Education
Dr. Vorilhon completed his medical studies at the Faculty of Clermont Ferrand (2004-2014) and specialized in cardiology since 2009. In 2010, he obtained an inter-university degree echocardiography and in 2015, he obtained an inter-university degree of heart failure. In parallel, he completed a Master 1 in 2006 : « Sciences Technologies Santé » and a Master 2 in 2013 : « Technologie biomédicale, spécialité Technologie pour la Médecine ».
Since 2014, Dr. Vorilhon is physician assistant in the cardiology department of the University Hospital of Clermont Ferrand.
3. Research Area
In the Cardiology Department of the University Hospital of Clermont Ferrand, he specialised in two areas (both clinical and research):
- Optimising the management of heart failure (CardiAuvergne network);
- Assessment of myocardial function in 3D.
4. Conflict of interest: none