1. Current Status, Position
- Deputy Head of Drug Information Department, Pharmacy, Hospital of the University of Munich;
- Coordinator of the structured PhD-program “Klinische Pharmazie”.
2. Education
- 1987: Licensed pharmacist at the universities of Braunschweig and Munich;
- PhD 1992, medical faculty, Munich “Optimizing pharmacotherapy on a surgical Intensive Care Unit through continuous pharmaceutical counseling”;
- 1988: Training in hospital pharmacies in the US Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston and in 1991 at the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby, St. George’s Hospital, London;
- 1992: Specialisation in clinical pharmacy (Fachapotheker klinische Pharmazie).
Since 1992, she has been working in the Drug Information Department, Pharmacy, University of Munich.
- 1993-1995: Head of the working group infectious diseases, German Hospital Pharmacist association (ADKA);
- Since 2003: Head of the working group of Drug Information, German Hospital Pharmacist association (ADKA);
- Head of organization of the German Congress of Drug Information in Cologne together with Dr. Steffen Amann, Munich, in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015, www.adka-arznei.info.
Also, she has been teaching at the:
– Pharmacy Department and is involved in the organisation of bedside clinical pharmacy seminars and lectures given by hospital pharmacists in therapeutic drug monitoring since 2004;
– Medicine Department, Drug Therapy in multimorbid patients together with collegues since 2006;
– Nursing Department, Drug safety, since 2006.
Additionaly, she was awarded the Bagde of honour of the German Hospital Pharmacist association (ADKA) 2009, and was the Award winner Berliner Gesundheitspreis 2013, A “plus” for the patient- evidence-based drug information for medical doctors and nursing staff, together with Dr. Dorothea Strobach and her team.
3. Research Area
Her main research interests are drug Information, clinical pharmacy in intensive care, pharmacokinetics of antibiotics.
Conflict of interest: None