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Seminar Title


Workshop 1: How to interpret pharmacoeconomic studies


Institute of Pharmaceutical Medicine, University of Basel and Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Zürich



1. Current Status, Position

Matthias Schwenkglenks is Head of Research at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ECPM) of the University of Basel, Switzerland, since 2003. He also leads the Medical Economics Unit at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine of the University of Zürich, Switzerland, since 2010.

2. Education

He obtained a Master of Arts in Sociology and Political Sciences from the University of Tübingen, Germany, a Master of Public Health from the Universities of Basel, Bern and Zürich, and a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Basel. He received the Venia legendi in "Health Economics and Public Health" from the University of Zürich in 2009.

3. Research Area

His current research interests and teaching activities are in the fields of pharmacoeconomics and health economics, health economic evaluation and modelling, health services research, epidemiology, observational study and trial design, and biostatistics. Disease areas of key interest include malignant and cardiovascular diseases.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.