1. Current Status, Position
Mrs Sarah De Broe (Master in Hospital Pharmacy) is currently employed as the Director of the pharmacy department at ZNA, a hospital network with a capacity of 2.000 beds in Antwerp. ZNA is among the three largest hospitals in Belgium. She is a Member of the Belgium Federation of Hospital Pharmacists (BVZA-ABPH) and the Flemish Federation of Hospital Pharmacists (VZA).
2. Education
Mrs Sarah De Broe graduated from the Catholic University of Leuven in 1993 as a Pharmacist and in 1994 as a Hospital Pharmacist. In 2011 she followed the European Health Leadership Programme in INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France.
3. Research Area
Mrs Sarah De Broe has a large area of interests. In particular she is very interested in patient safety and therefore she is participating in a national network to improve patient safety in Belgian hospitals. Furthermore, because of her interest in hospital management, she is participating in several national or local networks to defend the role of the hospital pharmacy and pharmacists.
4. Conflict of interest: none