Current Status, Position
Dr Laura Sahm is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Director of the MPharm Programme in the School of Pharmacy, UCC. Since 2018, Laura is also a lay member of the Board of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland as well as a member of their Fitness to Practice and, Education and Training Committees.
Dr Laura Sahm received a B.Sc. Pharm(Hons) from the University of Brighton and won a scholarship from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain to pursue her postgraduate studies in the Grade 5A*, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of Bath. Dr Sahm obtained her PhD in Pharmaceutics (Site-specific drug delivery of methotrexate to melanoma) in 1995. In 1996, she moved to Germany where to work in community pharmacy, and for the pharmaceutical industry (Takeda GmbH). In 2003, upon return from Germany, Laura worked as a senior clinical pharmacist in the Bon Secours Hospital, Cork. She then joined the School of Pharmacy (SOP) staff in UCC in October 2005. Up until 2015, she was as a joint appointment between the SOP and the Mercy University Hospital (MUH) where she worked as a consultant research pharmacist on research projects.
Research Area
Dr Sahm’s research focuses on health literacy and patients’ information on medication and she is convinced that the pharmacist can be an advocate for the patient, especially those who have limited HL.
Conflict of interest: none