The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Antonius Hospital
The Netherlands
1. Current Status, Position
Mr Rob J. Moss (Pharm D) currently is a Hospital Pharmacy Consultant, helping improve patient care and education of hospital pharmacists. He serves as vice-president Europe for the Hospital Pharmacy Section of the International Federation of Pharmacists (FIP) and director of professional development in the Board of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists.
In the past, Mr Moss was head of pharmacy at Lange Land hospital, a general hospital and staff member at the Central hospital pharmacy in the Hague. Later he was director of pharmacy at Farmadam, a pharmacy serving 6000 beds in the Amsterdam region specialised in pharmaceutical care for geriatric and mentally disabled patients. During his board membership of the Dutch Association of Hospital Pharmacists, he set up a knowledge management site for the organisation.
2. Education
Mr Rob J. Moss was trained as a hospital pharmacist in Haarlem, The Netherlands. He has worked in a clinical setting since.
3. Research Area
Mr Rob J. Moss is passionate about optimising health systems by integrating new developments in IT and eHealth technology in work processes. Both in high and low and middle income countries. His clinical fields of interest are diabetes, geriatrics and drug use optimalisation.
4. Conflict of interest: none