The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
Seminar Title
Seminar CPS2 – From Benefit to Burden – safely discontinuing medicines at the end of life
South East London Integrated Care Systems
United Kingdom
1. Current Status, Position
Lelly Oboh is currently the Overprescribing lead pharmacist, on an 18 month secondment in a clinical leadership role to drive the delivery and implementation of a national initiative to tackle overprescribing in South East London integrated care system. Her substantive role is working as Consultant Pharmacist, Care of older people at Guys and St Thomas NHS Trust. She also has a national role with the NHS Specialist Pharmacy Services to provide profession leadership, advice and support on medicines issues in older people across the UK.
2. Education
Lelly Oboh registered as UK Pharmacist in 1993 and completed a PGCert in Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, University of London in 1999. In 2001, she got a Postgraduate diploma in Community Clinical Pharmacy, Aston University, Birmingham, and in 2006, she did an independent non-medical prescribing qualification at Kings College London. In 2007, she was the first community-based Consultant Pharmacist in the UK and a Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Great Britain B Pharm (Hons) 22 Class, University of Benin, Nigeria.
3. Research Area
Lelly Oboh’s specialty is medicines optimisation in older people, particularly those living with frailty, multimorbidity and polypharmacy in community-based settings Her work focusses on patient centred care, shared decision making, deprescribing, transitions of care, championing innovative clinical pharmacy-led models of care to improve medicines use and facilitating system wide and collaborative integrated approaches to medicines optimisation.
4. Conflict of interest