Current position
Dr. Michiel Duyvendak is currently hospital pharmacist in the Antonius Hospital in Sneek & Emmeloord. He is medical manager of the hospital pharmacy and director of the outpatient pharmacy. He is responsible for procurement and clinical trials and is Chief Pharmacy Informatics officer in the hospital. Furthermore, Dr. Duyvendak is the chairman of the national authorization committee of the Medication Process Information Standards and he is chairman of the Chipsoft software usergroup for medication and pharmacy.
He is a member of the committee for specialized pharmaceutical care of the Dutch Society of Hospital pharmacists (NVZA) with special interest in digital transfer of medication information and reconciliation.
For his work he received the 2010 Pharmacy Innovation Award and the 2017 GS1 Healthcare Award.
Dr. Michiel Duyvendak studied pharmacy at the Royal University Groningen and became a licenced pharmacist in 2001. In 2007 he finished his specialization as a hospital pharmacist in the Medical Centre Leeuwarden en Tjongerschans Hospital Heerenveen. In 2010 he obtained a PhD in Pharmaceutical Science at the Royal University Groningen for his work on specialized pharmaceutical care in patients with musculoskeletal disease.
For his educational performance he received the 2001 Royal Dutch Society of Pharmacy (KNMP) student prize, the 2001 Organon Young Research Talent Price and in 2007 the Opwijrda Prize and in 2010 the Sanofi Best Review Prize.
Research area
Dr. Michiel Duyvendak research focuses on medication safety, with special interest in (digital) medication information transfer, clinical decision support automation, (automated) medication review, technology assisted administration verification.
Further research is conducted on antibiotic stewardship and allergy delabelling.
Finally research is performed on glucorticosteroid induced osteoporosis.
Conflict of interest
Performs voluntary (no financial reward) user group work at Chipsoft.