1. Current Status, Position

Mark Ledwidge is currently Research Director of the STOP-HF Unit in St Vincent’s University Healthcare Group, Dublin and UCD Professor (Adjunct) the School of Medicine, University College, Dublin.

2. Education

Mark studied pharmacy in Aberdeen, obtained a PhD in Pharmaceutics from Trinity College in 1997 and has worked as a pharmacist in community, hospital, industry and academia for almost 30 years.

3. Research Area

Major areas of interest include prevention of heart failure, heart failure therapeutics and pharmacogenomic strategies in heart failure. 

4. Conflict of interest

Prof. Mark Ledwidge is:
• Funder, Researcher of Abbott Diagnostics
• Co-founder of Solvatrin Therapeutics
• Funded Researcher for :
   • Novartis AG
   • Bayer
   • Hypercell