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Seminar Title
Seminar H2: Pharmacy practice research
University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
1. Current Status, Position
Prof. Dr. Irene Krämer is Director of the Pharmacy Department at the University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany, where she currently focuses on electronic closed loop medication management and automation of medication preparation and distribution.
Prof. Krämer is also Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Johannes Gutenberg-University.
2. Education
She studied Pharmacy at the Johannnes Gutenberg-University and became a licensed pharmacist in 1982. In 1986, she obtained a Ph.D. in pharmaceutical chemistry and in 1999, she completed her postdoctoral thesis in Pharmaceutical Technology at the Johannes Gutenberg University. In parallel, she did a postgraduate education in clinical pharmacy and graduated as a clinical pharmacy specialist.
3. Research Area
Her research focuses on aseptic preparation, stability and compaibility of ready-to-use and ready-to-administer parenteral preparations, impact of clinical pharmacists on medication safety and medication adherence.
4. Conflict of Interest*
Granting experimental stability testing of Pazenir and Thiotepa