1. Current Status, Position
Nynke Jager is a Hospital Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacologist at the Radboudumc in Nijmegen (The Netherlands), where she is responsible for the therapeutic drug monitoring process. She is also a Senior Researcher in the field of PKPD of antibiotic agents.
2. Education
Nynke Jager studied pharmacy at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). She became a licensed pharmacist in 2010. In 2014, she obtained a PhD in bioanalysis and clinical pharmacology. Subsequently, she started her training in hospital pharmacy at the Amsterdam University Medical Center. After finishing this training, she was a visiting academic at the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research.
3. Research Area
Nynke Jager’s research focusses on PKPD of antibiotic agents, with the aim to optimize therapy for the individual patient.
4. Conflict of interest