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Seminar Title


Seminar PH5 – Individualised therapy – managing the differences


University of Bonn



1. Current Status, Position

Ulrich Jaehde (PhD) is Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at the Institute of Pharmacy, University of Bonn.

2. Education

He obtained his PhD from the Free University of Berlin in 1989. Afterwards, he joined the group of Professor Douwe Breimer at Leiden University as postdoctoral fellow. In 1992, he returned to the Free University of Berlin and worked as research assistant in the group of Professor Walter Schunack. In 1999, he was appointed as full professor at the University of Bonn where he is now Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy. 

3. Research Area

The main areas of his research are PK/PD modeling and dose individualization in oncology, medication safety of cancer patients and elderly patients, and prediction of chemoresistance. So far he has published more than 80 peer-reviewed original articles and more than 50 review articles and book chapters. He serves on several editorial boards of scientific journals. Ulrich Jaehde is active in many national and international societies related to pharmaceutical sciences, clinical pharmacy, patient safety, and oncology.

4. Conflict of interest: none


EAHP Forum

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Conversations and groups

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Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.