Current position
Dr. Ingeborg Wilting is currently working as a hospital pharmacist at UMC Utrecht. She is responsible for the training of hospital pharmacists at UMCU. She is also training director of the NVZA(Dutch Association of Hospital Pharmacists), which means that she is responsible at national level for coordinating the training programme for hospital pharmacists.
Currently she is involved in the PhD project of a PhD student performing research on further aligning the training of hospital pharmacists toward their clinical role taking in to account the focus on to their product knowledge role.
Dr. Ingeborg Wilting, studied pharmacy at university Utrecht. Subsequently she finished the training for hospital pharmacist in Tilburg.
She obtained her PhD in 2008 on the thesis entitled “patterns and clinical outcomes of lithium treatment”: supervised by Prof Dr. A.C.G. Egberts, hospital pharmacist, Prof Dr. W.A, Nolen, psychiatrist, Dr. E.R. Heerdink, pharmacoepidemiologist.
Since 2009 she is working as a hospital pharmacist, clinical pharmacologist at UMC Utrecht. In 2020 she started the teaching scholar program within UMCU Since 2021 she is officially in charge of the training for hospital pharmacy in UMC Utrecht. Since 2021 she is in charge of the national coordination of the training for hospital pharmacist for the Dutch Society of hospital pharmacy (NVZA).
Research area
Dr. Ingeborg Wilting ‘s research focusses on pharmacotherapy within psychiatry and geriatrics and currently on education with in the field of training of hospital pharmacists.
Conflict of interest