1. Current Status, Position
Dr Torsten Hoppe-Tichy has been Chief Pharmacist at the Heidelberg University Hospital since 1993. He is also a Lecturer in clinical pharmacy and pharmacoeconomics at the School of Pharmacy at the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg.
2. Education
Dr Torsten Hoppe-Tichy studied pharmacy at TU Braunschweig. He became a licensed pharmacist in 1984. He is a specialist of clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical analytics. He obtained a PhD in pharmaceutical chemistry at TU Braunschweig for his work on Synthesis and Analytics of 1,2,4-Triazolcarbaldehyds.
3. Research Area
Dr Hoppe-Tichy’s research focuses on antimicrobial agents (drug safety, PK, stability), patient safety and pharmacoeconomics.
4. Conflict of interest:
For Seminar PC3 – From gene therapy to cell therapy – what about hospital pharmacy? : Dr Torsten Hoppe-Tichy is a member of the advisory boards of Becton-Dickinson, Baxter, B. Braun and MSD
For Student Programme: How can hospital pharmacists implement antimicrobial stewardship to ensure rationale use of antimicrobials? : none.