The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
University Hospital Basel and University of Basel
1. Current Status, Position
Dr. Lars G. Hemkens, MD, MPH is Senior Scientist at Department of Clinical Research, University of Basel and Lead Pragmatic Trials and Real World Evidence at the Research Center for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience Basel (RC2NB). Lars is affiliated with the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS; Stanford University, USA) and the Meta-Research Innovation Center Berlin (METRIC-B) at the QUEST Center for Responsible Research (Berlin Institute of Health, Charité and Max Delbrück Center, Berlin, Germany).
2. Education
He studied at Philipps University of Marburg, University of Cologne and Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf.
3. Research Area
His research focuses is on pragmatic trials providing randomized real-world evidence, facilitated by digital biomarkers and routinely collected data. He works at the intersection of clinical research, evidence-based medicine, and digital health and applies his work across the full spectrum of clinical medicine and public health, with a focus on complex, rapidly evolving areas such as neuroscience.
4. Conflict of interest