The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
University Hospital Heidelberg, Pharmacy Department - Clinical Pharmacist
1. Current Status, Position
Kim Green is currently a hospital pharmacist at the University Hospital of Heidelberg. He is responsible for providing drug information to the local HCP. He is also responsible for the task force ATMP.
2. Education
Kim Green studied pharmacy at the University Erlangen-Nürnber and became a licensed pharmacist in 2011. In 2015, he finished his specialisation for Clinical Pharmacy (Fachapotheker für Klinische Pharmazie). In 2019 he became first vice president of the German Hospital Pharmacist Association (ADKA).
3. Research Area
Kim Green`s main research focus is patient empowerment and its influence on adherence and QoL.
4. Conflict of interest
Mr Kim Green is Advisory for
• Roche
• Leopharma