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- By prudence@digi-work.com
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- By prudence@digi-work.com
Description of the Hospital
The Sindelfingen-Boeblingen Medical Center is a public-funded general hospital located in Sindelfingen, Germany. This hospital cannot provide financial grants to SILCC Fellows but will help the hospital pharmacists with accomodation (logistical help, not financial). Please keep in mind that EAHP can provide limited financial help to SILCC Fellows (contact the EAHP Implementation team at Statements@eahp.eu for more details about our financial help).
- Number of beds served by the hospital pharmacy: more than 1000
- Number of pharmacists employed: 9
- Number of pharmacy technicians: 8
- Pharmacy support stuff: 8
- Number of trainees: 1
The pharmacy staff speaks English and German.
Description of the training
The Sindelfingen-Boeblingen Medical Center will provide training on the following Statements:
1.6 Hospital pharmacists should take the lead in coordinating the activities of multi-disciplinary, organisation-wide Drug & Therapeutics Committees or equivalent. They should have appropriate representation as full members of these Committees which should oversee and improve all medicines management policies.
4.1 Hospital pharmacists should be involved in all patient care settings to prospectively influence collaborative, multidisciplinary therapeutic decision-making; they should play a full part in decision making including advising, implementing and monitoring medication changes in full partnership with patients, carers and other health care professionals.
4.4 All the medicines used by patients should be entered on the patient’s medical record and reconciled by the hospital pharmacist on admission. Hospital pharmacists should assess the appropriateness of all patients’ medicines, including herbal and dietary supplements.
4.5 Hospital pharmacists should promote seamless care by contributing to transfer of information about medicines whenever patients move between and within healthcare settings.
6.5 Hospital pharmacists should be actively involved in clinical trials of medicines.
Outline of the training experience provided by the Sindelfingen-Boeblingen Medical Center :
“We are a general hospital group located in South-Western Germany with about 1500 beds. Our clinical pharmacy team is working in many interdisciplinary teams and comittees, thus we can offer insight in several processes. The focus of our contribution to the SILCC programme would be the chance to train medication management in the following settings in clinical practice: ward rounds in different clinical departments (surgery, internal medicine, ICU) and relevant clin-pharm-service-processes from patient admission throughout the hospital stay until patient discharge. One main field of work of the mentoring pharmacists covers efforts to increase the rational basis of antiinfective therapy (antimicrobial stewardship) in our hospital. In this regard, we try to improve the therapy by means of general methods (guidelines, antiinfectives surveillance, therapy-review-systems) but also by looking at individual patients (appropriateness of the prescribed antibiotics, counselling, individual therapy monitoring, individual dose adjustments – partly using therapeutic drug monitoring). We do also participate in clinical studies, one of them is currently running in cooperation with the ICU, where we investigate the potential benefits of closely performed therapeutic drug monitoring of piperacilline in patients suffering from severe sepsis. Last but not least, the potential SILCC-fellow is heartly welcome to visit a friendly and skilled hospital pharmacists team“.
Duration of the training: one week
Apply to become a SILCC Fellow at the Sindelfingen-Boeblingen Medical Center
Please fill out the following form and send it back to Statements@eahp.eu with the subject “SILCC Fellow application form”.
If you have more questions about the Sindelfingen-Boeblingen Medical Center and the training they will provide, please contact Dr. Andreas von Ameln-Mayerhofer & Dr. Martin Breuling.
Please remember that in addition to the SILCC Fellow form, you need to send the following documents after assessing your pharmacy using the self-assessment tool with your colleagues and Chief pharmacist/Directory of Pharmacy:
- PDF Copy of your Assessment with the level of Implementation for all the Statements
- PDF Copy of the overall score
- PDF Copy of your Action Plan