1. Current Status, Position
- Professor in Pharmacology/Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty Health and Society, Malmö University, Sweden;
- Adjunct Professor in Pharmacology/Clinical Pharmacy, South Danish University, Denmark;
- ETP, Excellent Teaching Practitioner, Lund University, Sweden;
- Deputy Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy;
- Previous Head of Research at Apoteket AB (all Swedish pharmacies) and Pharmacy Programme Director at Lund University, Sweden.
2. Education
- 1986: MSc Pharm, Uppsala University, Sweden;
- 1997: PhD (Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics), Lund University, Sweden.
3. Research Area
Prof Dr Eriksson published more than 70 research papers, books and book chapters within molecular and clinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, drug development, clinical- and hospital pharmacy service development, and also pedagogic and curriculum develop. His current research area focuses mainly on activities, methods and outcomes to improve patient use of medication with three separate PhD projects.
Conflict of interest: None