31st January 2014
As part of its Summit project to define the future of hospital pharmacy in Europe, EAHP has today launched a survey of senior pharmacists within hospitals to better understand what aspects of service are currently measured.
While EAHP is holding a Summit on the future of hospital pharmacy in May 2014, organisers are enthusiastic that the statements of practice agreed at the event are accompanied with an implementation framework. The Board of the EAHP therefore invited Dr David Cousins (Senior Head of Patient Safety within NHS England) to conduct a study of the current status of measurement within hospital pharmacy, and to make recommendations for the future.
The 15 minute survey opens today and will close at midnight on Friday 28th February 2014
Launching the survey, Dr Cousins said:
“How can we know if we are making improvement, unless we can quantify it with a scale of measurement? In today's modern world, providing tangible evidence is a question all professionals face, and hospital pharmacy is no exception. That's why this survey on metrics is important in terms of thinking about how hospital pharmacy reports what it is doing in the years to come. I hope EAHP members will take the opportunity to both tell us what they are doing in respect of measurement, but also express their opinions about where we go next. In that sense, the survey is more than a research exercise – its a chance to help shape the future.”
EAHP President Dr Roberto Frontini said:
“I am delighted Dr Cousins is undertaking this important research on behalf of the practice of hospital pharmacy within Europe. It builds on his work exploring potential indicators for the quality of pharmaceutical care.
I urge all colleagues in hospital pharmacy in Europe to assist by taking fifteen minutes to share what they are measuring in their hospital. We look forward to professional engagement in the study and sharing the results with the profession later this year.”
For further information contact info@eahp.eu or 00 322 741 6835
1. The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) is an association of national organisations across 34 countries representing hospital pharmacists at European and international levels. More information about the EAHP and its history here.
2. EAHP is hosting a European Summit on Hospital Pharmacy (14-15 May 2014) with the purpose of agreeing European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy that have the agreement of not only EAHP’s 34 member countries, but also participating patient and professional groups. More information here.
3. As part of the Summit, EAHP is ensuring there is an onus on implementation of the statements. Therefore there are a number of workstreams related to this area, including Good Practice Initiatives, a study of implementation barriers experienced by hospital pharmacists in Europe, and study into the use of metrics within hospital pharmacy. The launch of today’s survey is related to the last of these implementation components.
4. Dr David Cousins is Senior Head of Patient Safety within NHS England and co-authored the 2012 report ‘Pharmaceutical Care. Policies and Practices for a Safer, More Responsible and Cost-effective. Health System’, which described, amongst other aspects of care, the potential for a common set of indicators related to pharmaceutical care. Report here.
5. Dr Cousins is available for interview by contacting the EAHP secretariat in the first instance on 00 322 741 6835, info@eahp.eu
6. To assist translation, a word version of this survey can be found here.