24th June 2014
Joan Peppard has been elected as the next President of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP), commencing a 3 year term of office from June 2015. She will now serve one year as President Elect during the final 12 months of Dr Roberto Frontini’s Presidency of the Association.
The election took place at the General Assembly of the EAHP in Sofia. The General Assembly is the annual occasion at which the 34 member countries of EAHP meet in person to determine policy, elect the Board, scrutinise the activities of the Association and conduct other decision making activity.
Joan, a chief pharmacist in a hospital in the Irish midlands, currently serves on the EAHP Board as Director of Professional Development and has twice been the head of the Hospital Pharmacists Association of Ireland in the position of President. Prior to joining the EAHP Board Joan was for many years one of the lead delegates for Ireland within the EAHP annual General Assembly, and played an active role in the conduct of EAHP educational and research activities at the national level.
Speaking after her election, Joan Peppard, President-Elect of EAHP said: “It is with a sense of great humility that I begin to take on the primary leadership role of the EAHP, knowing that under the stewardship of predecessors a real momentum of energy and experience has been established to make EAHP the driver for hospital pharmacy practice improvement across Europe that it is today. With the new European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy recently agreed between the profession, patients and other healthcare professionals, the number one challenge for the forthcoming EAHP Board is evident – how to turn that clear vision for the future of the profession into a reality in every European country. Working with my colleagues on the Board, the secretariat and our dedicated membership, I know we have the commitment, insight and enthusiasm to achieve it. I again thank members for the confidence they have placed in me and look forward to working with them in delivering our shared aspirations for the profession we all love.”
Dr Roberto Frontini, President of EAHP added: “Knowing very well Joan’s professional background, and her proven ability to make change happen on the ground, even in the most difficult practice environments, I am completely assured EAHP will continue to go from strength to strength in the achievement of its mission under her leadership. I’m therefore looking forward to assisting in the handover period, and introducing her personally to the many partner, friend and allied organisations we work with in ensuring the continuous improvement of all that the hospital pharmacist does across our member countries."
For further information contact info@eahp.eu 00 322 741 6835
- The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) is an association of national organisations across 34 countries representing hospital pharmacists at European and international levels. More information about the EAHP and its history here.
- Joan Peppard is Chief Pharmacist in Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore, Co Offaly and Director of Professional Development for the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists. With a keen interest in the growth and development of hospital pharmacy and a strong commitment to excellence in patient care, Joan has served in a leadership capacity on a number of key committees in Ireland at local, regional and national level. As President of the Hospital Pharmacists Association Ireland from 2004 – 2006 and 2011 – 2012, Joan led delegations to meet the Minister for Health and contributed to Department of Health consultative papers. She participated in national negotiations on the reform of hospital pharmacy resulting in significant outcomes including the agreed report on the Reform of Hospital Pharmacy in Ireland in 2011. In 2006 Joan proposed the establishment of an annual clinical skills course for hospital pharmacists which came to fruition in subsequent years. She also created the post of antimicrobial pharmacist in Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore and on its evident success, sought to have the role of hospital antimicrobial pharmacist established at national level.
- The 2014 EAHP General Assembly was held in Sofia between 12th and 15th June 2014. The General Assembly is the annual opportunity for EAHP’s Member Associations to exchange views, share best practice and set the future direction of the Association. Representatives from each of EAHP's Member 34 members countries are invited to attend, vote and give opinion on strategic direction.
- The European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy are available here. A video giving the background to the Statements is available here.
- Requests for interviews with Joan Peppard, Dr Roberto Frontini, and national spokespersons for EAHP country member associations, can be made by contacting info@eahp.eu