Brussels, October 3. Europe has no uniform standard of care approach for managing all aspects of medication within the hospital setting. While some countries are further ahead than others, there are no consistent guidelines or ways to share best practice. Thus, EAHP decided to set up a Special Interest Group (SIG) to further investigate the benefits of automation medication management
The work of the SIG focused on two distinct areas, creating the European autonomous pharmacy framework and mapping the current situation in Europe, the latter having been achieved by means of this Survey that was shared with individual hospital pharmacists in Europe. The SIG is still actively working on creating the European Autonomous Pharmacy framework that will be published in Spring 2024.
The SIG conducted the Survey to analyse and assess the status of automated medication management in Europe and to investigate the benefits of automating medication management, particularly around the medication preparation/compounding/dispensing process, and how technology best meets the needs of different hospital pharmacy workflows. The results of this Survey can be found in the published report.
EAHP President András Süle stated “Hospital pharmacists currently deal with a lot of disconnected and manual systems when managing medication, which could lead to medication errors and a difficulty to track medicines within the hospital. This Survey report helps us understand the current status of automaton in Europe. I want to take this opportunity to thank our members and all hospital pharmacists that participated in this Survey”.
1. For further information contact | 0032 2 669 2513
2. The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) is a not-for-profit organisation that defends the interests of more than 25.000 European hospital pharmacists from its 36 full and associate member organisations. EAHP works to develop knowledge on hospital pharmacy to ease the improvement of care and outcomes for patients in the hospital setting. The Association achieves this through science, practice, research, education, as well as sharing best-practice and responsibility with other healthcare professionals. More information about EAHP is available
3. The SIG Survey report can be found