EAHP’s 49th General Assembly discusses the challenges ahead for hospital pharmacists
18 June 2019

- Revised position paper on medicines shortages adopted by EAHP’s General Assembly.
- Tjalling van der Schors elected as new member of the EAHP Board.
- Updates to the position paper on an ageing society approved by EAHP’s member associations.
Between 13 and 16 June, the members of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) gathered for their annual General Assembly in Edinburgh, United Kingdom to discuss current policy topics as well as the future development of the Association. Delegates from EAHP’s member associations received updates on core activities and policy developments which included for instance the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive and the European Parliament elections. Discussions centred around the implementation of the 44 European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy and the progress of the Common Training Framework for hospital pharmacy specialisation.
As EAHP’s decision-making body, the General Assembly voted on the adoption of 2 position papers and elected 1 new Board member. EAHP is delighted to welcome Tjalling van der Schors (the Netherlands) as Director of Professional Development. Tjalling works as hospital pharmacist in the Dijklander hospital. Prior to joining the Board of EAHP, he served as President of the Dutch Association of Hospital Pharmacists (NVZA).
The addition of a new Board member also meant that it was time to say goodbye to Prof Dr Kees Neef who served as EAHP’s Director of Education, Science and Research and the chairman of the Association’s Scientific Committee. EAHP President Petr Horák and Chief Operating Officer Jennie De Greef thanked Kees for his long-standing involvement in the Association as well as for his tremendous contributions to the continuous development of the hospital pharmacy profession. The chairmanship of the Scientific Committee has been taken over by Thomas De Rijdt (Belgium).
In light of the results of EAHP’s 2018 Medicines Shortages Survey, a revised position paper on medicines shortages advocating for measures at supply chain, national and European level was adopted. The position calls for engagement of all actors and advises national governments to evaluate if their shortages measures and management systems are fit for purpose. In addition, to the revised medicines shortages position, EAHP’s member associations voted for the adoption of an updated position paper on an ageing society to foster the involvement of hospital pharmacists in the management of polypharmacy, the evaluation of drug appropriateness and the increase of drug adherence in older patients.
EAHP is an association of national organisations across 35 countries representing hospital pharmacists at European level. It was founded in 1972 and focuses on the development of the hospital pharmacy profession to ensure the continuous improvement of care and outcomes for patients in the hospital setting. This is achieved through science, research, education, practice, as well as sharing best-practice and responsibility with other healthcare professionals.