Description of the Hospital
The Péterfy Hospital – National Institute of Traumatology is a public-funded general hospital located in Budapest, Hungary. This hospital cannot provide financial grants to SILCC Fellows but please keep in mind that EAHP can provide limited financial help to SILCC Fellows (contact the EAHP Implementation team at Statements@eahp.eu for more details about our financial help).
- Number of beds served by the hospital pharmacy: more than 1000
- Number of pharmacists employed: 15
- Number of pharmacy technicians: 16
- Pharmacy support stuff: 5
- Number of trainees: 3 at the same time
The pharmacy staff speaks English and Hungarian
Description of the training
The Péterfy Hospital – National Institute of Traumatology will provide training on the following Statements:
2.1 Hospital pharmacists should be involved in the complex process of procurement of medicines. They should ensure transparent procurement processes are in place in line with best practice and national legislation, and based on the principles of safety, quality and efficacy of medicines.
4.1 Hospital pharmacists should be involved in all patient care settings to prospectively influence collaborative, multidisciplinary therapeutic decision-making; they should play a full part in decision making including advising, implementing and monitoring medication changes in full partnership with patients, carers and other health care professionals.
4.2 All prescriptions should be reviewed and validated as soon as possible by a hospital pharmacist. Whenever the clinical situation allows, this review should take place prior to the supply and administration of medicines
4.8 Clinical pharmacy services should continuously evolve to optimise patients’ outcomes.
6.2 All those involved in medicines use processes must be able to demonstrate their competency in their roles. Hospital pharmacists should participate in the development of European-wide competency frameworks to ensure standards of best practice are met.
Outline of the training experience provided by the Péterfy Hospital – National Institute of Traumatology:
“The hospital is leading the clinical pharmacy implementation project in Hungary. We are offering an insight into our implementation proceedings and a chance to see our clinical pharmacy services from up-close. Pharmacists are out there to support the diabetology, gastroenterology, nephrology, oncology departments, the ICUs, the National Trauma Center and our long-term care facilites. SILCC fellows are welcome to see it all.”
Duration of the training: 1 week
Apply to become a SILCC Fellow at the Péterfy Hospital – National Institute of Traumatology
Please fill out the following form and send it back to Statements@eahp.eu with the subject “SILCC Fellow application form”.
If you have more questions about the Péterfy Hospital – National Institute of Traumatology and the training they will provide, please contact the EAHP Implementation team at Statements@eahp.eu
Please remember that in addition to the SILCC Fellow form, you need to send the following documents after assessing your pharmacy using the self-assessment tool with your colleagues and Chief pharmacist/Directory of Pharmacy: