EAHP Member since 1996.
Contact Information
Tel: +421 902 416 418
E-mail: sekretariat@slek.sk
Website: https://www.slek.sk/stranka/sekcia-nemocnicnych-lekarnikov
Section of Hospital Pharmacists is an independent voluntary association whose goals are to:
- represent and improve the hospital pharmacy profession in Slovakia;
- define the professional interests and needs of hospital pharmacists to the government and other organisations;
- cooperate with other healthcare professionals on continuity of pharmaceutical care with the patient in the centre;
- provide for continuing educational activities among its members;
- support international contacts.
The Section of Hospital Pharmacists has 120 members working in 32 hospital pharmacies in Slovakia.
In Slovakia it is not mandatory to have a specific hospital pharmacy specialisation to practice as a hospital pharmacist. A General Pharmacy Specialisation programme, consisting in over 3 years of postgraduate training, is available.
The follow-up Hospital Pharmacy Specialisation in Slovakia was officially approved on February 10, 2018. The specialisation training programme lasts for 2 years after the general specialization and includes aspects such as legislation, basic and clinical pharmacology, the preparation of non-sterile and sterile medicines and practical training. It is on a voluntary basis, but it is planned to be compulsory for all chief hospital pharmacists in the near future.