Member since 1972
Contact information
Address: Via Carlo Farini, 81-20159 Milano, Italy
Tel: 02.6071934
Fax: 02.69002476
- Promote and coordinate the scientific, technical and administrative activity of hospital pharmacies in order to improve their performance;
- Study, update and perfect means of developing, producing and distributing pharmaceuticals in hospitals, in collaboration with other health care workers;
- Oversee work methods and administrative criteria in order to create an increasingly efficient economic system for hospital administrations;
- Take and encourage all initiatives it considers appropriate to increase the ethical and cultural standing of pharmacists who work in hospital pharmacies and within the territorial pharmaceutical services of Health Centres.
SIFO has 2,175 members, working in several hospital pharmacies throughout Italy.
In Italy, the specialisation in Hospital Pharmacy was established since the academic year 1977-78. It has been defined by two ministerial decrees (01/08/2005 and 29/03/2006). This specialisation is mandatory to work as hospital pharmacist in the Public Health System. It is a 4 year postgraduate training program.
Key features include: clinical pharmacy, clinical governance, drugs and medical devices management, research, evidence-based medicine, evidence-based healthcare, health technology assessment, pharmacovigilance, drug information, public tender of drugs and medical devices.
Additionally, it is possible to complete the following Masters Degrees:
Masters in Hospital Pharmacy Management at the University of Camerino;
Master in Pharmacy and Oncological Pharmacology at Università degli Studi di Milano;
Masters in Hospital Pharmacy Management at Università Cattolica di Roma;
Advanced Training Courses in Logistics and Radiopharmacy at Università Degli Studi Padova;
Advanced Training Course in Pharmacoeconomics Evaluation at Università degli Studi di Ferrara.
National journal – Giornale Italiano di Farmacia Clinica (GIFC), available here
SIFO’s 2018 publications and position papers:
“L’approccio del farmacista nell’area della Psichiatria – Approfondimenti sulla Carta della Salute Mentale” – “The pharmacist’s approach in Psychiatry – Analysis on the Charter of Mental Health”;
“Linee guida per la sicurezza delle Farmacie Ospedaliere”, Padlock project – “Guidelines on Safety in Hospital Pharmacies”, Padlock project;
“Responsabilità e opportunità del farmacista: i farmaci biosimilari, uno scenario in continua evoluzione” – “Pharmacist’s responsibilities and opportunities: biosimilars, a constantly evolving scenario”;
Joint position paper AIOM-SIF-SIFO-CIPOMO-Fondazione AIOM “Farmaci biosimilari in Oncologia” – “Biosimilars in Oncology”;
“L’evoluzione del sistema di acquisto di farmaci e dispositivi. Elementi di base e prospettive” – “The evolution of the purchasing system of drugs and devices. Elements and future prospects”.