The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
1 week left to tell Europe about your research and projects
Reminder of EAHP Congress abstract deadline
The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) would like to remind hospital pharmacists across Europe that there is just 1 week remaining to submit abstract posters for display at the 19th Congress of the EAHP in Barcelona (26-28 March 2014).
The Congress of the EAHP annually brings together over 3,500 individuals working in the hospital pharmacy sector across Europe’s 47 countries, and indeed beyond, with an increasingly global attendance. Alongside keynote speakers, workshops and symposiums, a key attraction is always the abstract poster walk. The display presents to attending hospital pharmacists quick overviews of projects and research initiatives across a plethora of scientific areas including, but not limited to: the use of new technology; pharmacotherapy; the development of clinical pharmacy services; inter-professional communication; and, patient safety orientated initiatives. During the Congress a panel of judges assess all successfully submitted posters and announce prizes for the best abstracts at the closing ceremony.
Encouraging colleague hospital pharmacists to profile their work and submit an abstract before the 15 October deadline, Prof. Dr. Cees Neef, EAHP Director of Education, Science and Research, said:
“Whilst our Congress Programme grows ever larger, a much valued mainstay for attendees has always been the poster abstract walk. It’s a chance to learn from projects and research already conducted in an individual’s area of interest. It also gives an opportunity to meet the people behind the poster and exchange ideas and experience directly. Finally of course, it’s a much-needed occasion for hospital pharmacists to tell the world all about they have been doing!
The EAHP Scientific Committee looks forward to a wide range of submissions. Its always a pleasure to find out what our profession in Europe has been learning and implementing, and where we’ve been making the difference for patient outcomes.”
For further information contact or telephone 00 322 741 6835 or 00 44 7895 292 076
1. EAHP is an association of 34 national organisations representing hospital pharmacists at European and international levels. More information about the EAHP and its history here.
2. The 19th Congress of the EAHP is to be held in Barcelona from 26-28 March 2014 at the Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona. More information here.
3. The theme of the 19th Congress is ‘the innovative hospital pharmacist: imagination, skills and organisation’. More information here.
4. The deadline for submitting abstracts is Tuesday 15th October. More information about the submission process is here.
5. The best abstracts/posters – with regards to aspects like originality, scientific quality and practical applicability – will be awarded with 3 prizes amounting EURO 750, EURO 500 and EURO 250. Poster nominees will be requested to give an oral presentation on Wednesday, 26 March 2014 or Thursday 27 March 2014. More information here.
6. The topics covered by the first prize posters in the past three years have been, in reverse chronological order:
- pharmacists' optimisation of the medication process during admission to hospital: a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial (2013). More information here.
- genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus and response to sulfonylurea treatment (2012). More information here.
- development of a web-based antimicrobial resource to improve antimicrobial prescribing (2011). More information here.
7. The Congress programme also includes a wide range of keynote speakers, seminars, workshops and satellite events. Further information here.
8. The deadline for securing discount on the registration fee for the Congress is 1 December 2013. More information here.