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Background information on medicines shortages advocacy

Related to 2013 GA Agenda item 9.3




EAHP had received increasing anecdotal evidence from its members of the problems experienced in relation to medicines shortages. Responding to this, a statement on medicines shortages was passed at the 2012 EAHP General Assembly providing EAHP with a mandate to make representations at the European level on the issue.

Statement here.


Activity since last General Assembly

With a mandate for activity provided, EAHP saught further evidence from its members about the scale and nature of the problem experienced. In the autumn and winter of 2012 two separate surveys to members were launched. The first focused on the prevalence of the problem, and the second saught some more information on the patient safety impacts of shortages, and hospital pharmacists' perceptions of the causes and solutions to the problems.

The surveys closed in mid-February 2013 and the headline results were presented at an event on access to medicines in the European Parliament. More information here.

Further to this, a roundtable event of stakeholders was held at the 18th Congress of EAHP in Paris in March 2013. The meeting included representatives from different branches of pharmacy (Europharm Forum, ESCP, ESOP, EIPG, FIP, EPSA), other professions (UEMS, ESNO), the wholesale industry (GIRP), the patient viewpoint (EPHA), national regulators and the pharmaceutical industry (Pfizer). By the end of the meeting some general areas of consensus were agreed which EAHP is currently guided by in relation to promoting solutions. See final slide here.


Next steps

EAHP is participating in a number of events in the months of May and June to promote the hospital pharmacist perspective on medicines shortages, including:

  • a high level meeting in the European Parliament organised by the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) on 16 May. More information here (open for interested HPs to register and attend)
  • a roundtable stakeholder event on shortages in Brussels on 22 May
  • an EFPIA event  on shortages on 29 May
  • a European Medicines Agency event on shortages on 5 June

Further to this, EAHP is actively cooperating with the PGEU and EIPG in effort to present common messages about the shortages issue.

A report from the European Commission on shortages is expected to be published in the coming months.

In general, the medicines shortages issue, at the European level, is at a broad stage of evidence-gathering and dissemination, with a key need at present to heighten awareness and understanding of the issues (hence the number of events on the topic currently scheduled).

Further to this, and the publication of the Commission report, areas of consensus as to what should be done to address the issue, should hopefully emerge.

Finally, as presented in the draft EAHP statement on austerity, it is suggested EAHP make a call for a review of the operation of medicines pricing systems in Europe in respect of their effect on shortages (e.g. consolidation of supply, suppliers leaving the market). This is in addition to calling for pan-European learning and sharing of best practices (e.g. national information portals on shortages, supply standards and early warning systems). Some small amendments to the medicines shortages statement are therefore proposed.

Amended shortages statement here.

* Members may propose further amendments to this statement until the close of Friday 24 May. Please email these to


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.