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Background information and documents relating to the Summit


Related to GA Agenda item 13.2



In reference to:

  • EAHP's mission to "develop the hospital pharmacy profession within Europe in order to ensure the continuous improvement of care and outcomes for patients in the hospital setting"
  • the results of the 2005 and 2010 EAHP surveys of hospital pharmacy practice, which reveal uneven levels and standards of hospital pharmacy practice across Europe 
  • the 2008 Basel Statements on Hospital Pharmacy (and the need to take these forward in a European context)
  • the lessons to be learned from the ASHP PPMI initiative

the Board of the EAHP is proposing a Summit initiative to give onus, focus and coordination to efforts to advance hospital pharmacy in Europe and increase public understanding of what a hospital pharmacist does, and the value they bring to healthcare.

To this end, an initial scoping meeting was held in November 2012 to consider how such a project might be taken forward. More information here.

The essential components of the resulting concept, was for 5 working groups with separate purposes to produce individually valued outputs, to be scrutinised and validated at a summit event, that together would form a durable toolkit for advancement of the profession in Europe. The working group and the purposes are:

Working Group 1: Patients and public

A key element of the idea of the European Summit on Hospital is to closely involve patients, the public and other professions in the validation of its outputs. This will add rigour and credibility to what is produced, help to ensure other stakeholder perspectives are not overlooked (e.g. patients' rights, patients' preferences), and help establish a 'buy-in' to the process by other stakeholders, important for delivery of the Summit's desired outcomes in the medium to long-term.

This working group is being led by EAHP President Dr Roberto Frontini, and EAHP Policy and Advocacy Officer Richard Price.

Already some indication of potential support has been received from the European Patients Forum, the European Consumers Organisation (BEUC) and AGE Platform Europe.

This group will also oversee marketing and press activity connected to the event, event logistics and Summit voting governance. A recognised challenge is bringing patient groups to a level of understanding about hospital pharmacy to make the Summit relevant to them and their members. For this production of educational materials and other activity dedicated to this purpose is envisaged.

Independently useful outputs to be produced by the group include educational and marketing materials about hospital pharmacy (e.g. online videos etc); heightened understanding of the role and importance of hospital pharmacy amongst European audiences; and stronger alliances and partnerships between EAHP and stakeholder organisations (e.g. patient and professional groups).

Working Group 2: Basel Statements

This group will scrutinise the 2008 Basel Statements to highlight and illucidate those with the greatest relevance to the European context. It will be led by Aida Batista. 

Its independent output of value will be a clearer sense of those competences hospital pharmacy (and patients and other professionals) are united in desiring to advance. It will therfore provide a focus and more meaningful understanding for the pursuit of EAHP's mission in developing hospital pharmacy in Europe/

Working Group 3: Good Practice Initiatives

Led by EAHP Director of Education, Science and Research Kees Neef, this group is constituted of the EAHP Scientific Committee and former Pharmine Working Group.

Its purpose is to develop the idea of desirable hospital pharmacy competences (working group 2) into a set of very practical and identifiable examples of good practice (good practice initiatives) that can help hospital pharmacists move from identifying what services and activities they should develop, to how to develop those services and activities.

Its independently valuable output will be a map and database inventory of good practice intiatives that can provide inspiration and tangible assistance in helping hospital pharmacists plan and carry out service improvement.

In view of its independent value, the Scientific Committee and Pharmine Group have already began collecting examples for inclusions. GA delegates can submit examples known to them via the portal here

Working Group 4: Measurement

This working Group will build on initial research conducted into indicators for pharmacy service and will consequently be led by David Cousins, a principal author in this area. 

Its output of independent value will be a set of measurement tools for hospital pharmacy in Europe applicable in all country contexts. This should help hospital and pharmacy managers benchmark performance, better target improvement measures, and demonstrate value to external audiences.

Working Group 5: Implementation

Led by David Gerrett, this working group will develop a set of tools to help hospital pharmacists conduct implementation of improvement plans, building on established management and implementation theoretical frameworks applied to the hospital pharmacy context.

Its output of independent value will be an off-the-shelf guide to implementation written with a hospital pharmacy audience, and their particular challenges, firmly in mind. 



For GA consideration

To scrutinise and consider the Board's proposals for a European Summit on Hospital Pharmacy to be held in May 2014.

To vote on the topic (GA agenda item 17)



Other documentation

Presentation to pharmacy stakeholders on the concept March 2013

Q&A document circulated to National Presidents and Delegates February 2013



EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.