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2016 GA Agenda Item 7.5 – Medicines shortages/COST
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Quick summary
European initiatives on the issue of medicines shortages are now taking place on several fronts. A challenge in the year ahead will be coordination and countering proposals for solution that are suboptimal to the hospital pharmacist perspective (e.g. use of restricted definitions).
COST Action
An application to the European “Cooperation in Science and Technology” (COST) programme to fund a research network on the issue of medicines shortages achieved success in Autumn 2015. The “Action” is led by Prof Helena Jenzer of the EAHP Scientific Committee, and held its first meeting in Brussels in April 2016. More information on the Action here. Membership of the Management Committee here.
It is intended that this collaboration of researchers and interest groups can yield progress on such issues as definitions of shortages, understanding of their impact, and recommendations as to policy solutions.
European Medicines Agency workstreams
In response to continued concerns being raised through healthcare professional and patient stakeholder organisations within its network, the European Medicines Agency held a second workshop on the issue of medicines shortages in October 2015. Arising from this event, EMA has committed itself to taking forward four workstreams:
- Implementation of best practice
- Definitions and Units of Measure (how to define a shortage / meaning supply disruptions;
- Communication
- Other areas for consideration of best practice
EAHP intends to participate in all 4, and continues to encourage other interested healthcare professional organisations and patient associations to take part, and ensure balanced representation in respect to strong industry representation to the initiatives.
More information here.
Collaboration with “Medicines Supply Chain Actors”
EAHP is participating in the creation of a ‘consensus paper’ on medicines shortages information system alongside the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU – representing community pharmacists), the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations (EFPIA – representing the originator industry), Medicines for Europe (representing the generic manufacturers), the European Healthcare Distribution Association (wholesalers), the Association of the European Self-Medication Industry (AESGP – non prescription medicine manufacturers), the European Association of Euro-Pharmaceutical Companies (EAEPC – parallel traders), and the European Industrial Pharmacists Group (EIPG).
The intention is to set out some agreed principles by which medicines shortages information systems across Europe should operate to. e.g. fields of information, methods of reporting and verification of suspected shortages, levels of access, archiving of information etc. The agreement on these principles can then be used to develop information systems at the European and national level.
Throughout, EAHP is seeking to emphasise the need for open access systems, rejecting suggestions by others that open publication of shortages information creates panics.
Further progress on the initiative may be available to report by the time of the General Assembly.
EU Presidency developments and other
EAHP continues to work with partner organisations such as Eurordis (rare disease patients) to gain the attention of the EU Presidency to the topic of medicines shortages, and to provide the European Commission and European Medicines Agency with better mandate for action.
Some progress was made in this respect within the Luxembourg Presidency Council conclusions of July 2015, which recommended “the elaboration of appropriate monitoring instruments relating to medicines shortages, due to parallel export or other reasons”. More information here.
It is hoped further progress can be made on this recommendation under the Slovakia Presidency July 2016-December 2016.
EAHP continues to monitor and respond to international developments on the medicines shortages topic, such as those made by FIP and the World Health Organisation (WHO). More information here.