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10.1 Common training framework

Return to January 2016 Board Agenda here.

a) Working Group 1 – Competency mapping

WG 1 met in Brussels on 24 October to explore how HP competencies could be described and presented as a framework. Record of meeting here. Further documents associated with the meeting available within the WG1 section of the intranet portal here.

Andreia Bruno has prepared 3 options for presentation of the framework and WG1 feedback so far has been strongly in favour of presented option 2. Options here.

b) Working Group 2 – Evidence gathering

WG2 met on 21st November in Brussels to progress its literature review on the benefits of hospital pharmacist education and its explorations of hospital pharmacist attitudes and experiences of labour mobility. Meeting report here. Further documents associated with the meeting available within the WG1 section of the intranet portal here.

Finding good literature on the impact of hospital pharmacy education has proved challenging and the group are accordingly expanding their search into other areas (e.g. evidence of impact for other healthcare professions).
Response rates to the first circulation of the labour mobility survey were initially disappointing, not helped by a technical problem experienced in the first 24 hours of circulation meaning some responses made were not registered. A very strong response rate from Hungary was received however. A second, country by country circulation is currently underway, with progress to be reported verbally at the board meeting. In the interim, results so far can be viewed here.
To potentially discuss how much further promotion activity to be conducted. Options include:
– Email to EAHP LinkedIn group (3,500)
– Email to EJHP mail list (3,000 plus)
– Paid social media promotion
– Survey translation via EPSA 

c) Working Group 3 – Communications

WG2 met on 21st November in Brussels to further refine communications planning for the project in 2016. Record of meeting here. Further documentation available within the WG3 section of the intranet portal here. 

Overall, the meeting concluded that before active lobbying of national competent authorities could occur, not only did necessary background documentation need to be in place (draft framework, evidence) but the national EAHP members in the countries in question need to feel and be well briefed and informed on the project. The first 6 months of 2016 should therefore be focused on this need, with the members meeting in Vienna and GA in Prague key opportunities for this. Further to this, the opportunities of EAHP member’s national events should be utlised, a reliable calendar of these established and a strategy for deploying CTF messages at these enacted.

Additionally, a new independent CTF website is under development as a central point to direct ALL relevant stakeholders. This should be an enhanced, expanded and fuller version of what is currently available on the EAHP website here.

PGEU’s attendance at the EAHP Congress in Vienna will be an opportunity to consider “shared vision” activity in which EAHP’s CTF aspirations are included.

Meetings with fellow CTF interested professions (oncology nurses, laboratory medicine practitioners, healthcare assistants) have taken place and are taking place and will be reported on further at the Board Meeting.


The European Commission sponsored project Phar-QA is coming towards conclusion, with a final event to be held in Brussels on 11 February 2016.


EAHP Forum

All the EAHP team is working on providing a Forum that can help connect all the members in Conversations and Groups to talk about important matters for the European Hospital Pharmacist.

The Forum will be accessible for all the EAHP members, you don’t have to create a new account to browse and participate.

Conversations and groups

The Conversations will be moderated by our team to provide documents and relevant topics for the community.

The Groups will connect all members that share a category. Members who work on the same assocation, on the same hospital, that have the same role, etc.

Stay tuned for the realase of the forum. Soon on EAHP.