The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
The 44 European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy cover the full range of services provided from hospital pharmacies across Europe. However, not all hospital pharmacies provide all the services covered by the Statements. This does mean that some Statements have greater importance than others for some hospital pharmacies.
The same is true for Stakeholders, some Statements will appear to have greater relevance than others. Stakeholders are encouraged to examine all the Statements for relevance to them. However, what is provided below are links to either sections of the Statements or the individual Statements where there is believed to be greater relevance. The choices have been driven through comments received from the various Stakeholders.
For hospital pharmacy, Technology Providers fall in to two main categories although there is often significant cross-over. The first category covers those where the primary role is concerned with the wider health record, the second category covers those who produce technologies specifically aimed at helping hospital pharmacists deliver services safely, effectively and efficiently.
For both categories of Technology Provider it is section 5, dealing with patient safety and quality assurance that is the primary driver.
For the providers of health record related technologies, the key statements include the need for such technology to encompass medicines and pharmacy practice in all settings. Ensuring that the systems provided allow for medicines reconciliation whenever a patient changes care setting and that changes to medicines are shared seamlessly. Avoiding the need for transcription of information is a key safety feature as is accurate recording of allergies shared across health records. Accessibility to information supporting clinicians at point of care assists with decision making and helps avoid problems.
For Technology Providers that primarily support the hospital pharmacist in service delivery it is also section 2, dealing with procurement and distribution [section2] and section 3, dealing with production and compounding , particularly for the latter when dealing with hazardous medicines.