The 44 European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy cover the full range of services provided from hospital pharmacies across Europe. However, not all hospital pharmacies provide all the services covered by the Statements. This does mean that some Statements have greater importance than others for some hospital pharmacies.
The same is true for Stakeholders, some Statements will appear to have greater relevance than others. Stakeholders are encouraged to examine all the Statements for relevance to them. However, what is provided below are links to either sections of the Statements or the individual Statements where there is believed to be greater relevance. The choices have been driven through comments received from the various Stakeholders.
For an Education Provider the key is Section 6, dealing with education and research. However, Education Providers need to be aware of what is important to other stakeholders, particularly patients [patients] and those that determine direction and implementation of health policy, including Policy Makers and regulators.
There is a need to ensure the undergraduate curriculum addresses hospital pharmacy practice and that post-graduate training assures a workforce with the right competencies and for medicines use that is not just pharmacists.
Hospital pharmacists should have received training in research methodology at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Education Providers also need to ensure that hospital pharmacists can actively contribute to clinical trials and have the competencies to prepare and compound medicines to meet the needs of individual patients and where the hospital pharmacist does not undertake this activity they should still have the knowledge and understanding to procure such medicines to appropriate quality.