Description of the Hospital
The Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust is a publically-funded specialist hospital located in Northumberland, United Kingdom. This hospital cannot provide financial grants to SILCC Fellows but will help the hospital pharmacists with accomodation (logistical help, not financial). Please keep in mind that EAHP can provide limited financial help to SILCC Fellows (contact the EAHP Implementation team at for more details about our financial help).
- Number of beds served by the hospital pharmacy: 501-1000
- Number of pharmacists employed: 25
- Number of pharmacy technicians: 20
- Pharmacy support stuff: 20
- Number of trainees: 0
The pharmacy staff speaks English.
Description of the training
The Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Hospital will provide training on the following Statements:
1.1 The overarching goal of the hospital pharmacy service is to optimise patient outcomes through working collaboratively within multidisciplinary teams in order to achieve the responsible use of medicines across all settings.
2.1 Hospital pharmacists should be involved in the complex process of procurement of medicines. They should ensure transparent procurement processes are in place in line with best practice and national legislation, and based on the principles of safety, quality and efficacy of medicines.
2.4 Procurement should be according to the medicine formulary and informed by the formulary selection process. A robust process should also be in place to appropriately procure medicines not included in the formulary where their use is indicated for the safe and effective care of individual patients.
2.6 Hospital pharmacies should have responsibility for all medicines logistics in hospitals. This includes proper storage, preparation, dispensing, distribution and disposal conditions for all medicines, including investigational medicines.
4.2 All prescriptions should be reviewed and validated as soon as possible by a hospital pharmacist. Whenever the clinical situation allows, this review should take place prior to the supply and administration of medicines.
Outline of the training experience provided by the Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Hospital:
“We could demonstrate how our processes work and what we have done to ensure we meet the statements as well as the Royal Pharmaceutical Society standards for Hospital Pharmacy“.
Duration of the training: Negotiable, depending on how much they needed to see/discuss.
Apply to become a SILCC Fellow at the Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Please fill out the following form and send it back to with the subject “SILCC Fellow application form”.
If you have more questions about the Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Hospital and the training they will provide, please contact the EAHP Implementation team at
Please remember that in addition to the SILCC Fellow form, you need to send the following documents after assessing your pharmacy using the self-assessment tool with your colleagues and Chief pharmacist/Directory of Pharmacy: