Description of the Hospital
The Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico Hospital is a public-funded general hospital located in Milan, Italy. This hospital cannot provide financial grants to SILCC Fellows but will help the hospital pharmacists with accomodation (logistical help, not financial). Please keep in mind that EAHP can provide limited financial help to SILCC Fellows (contact the EAHP Implementation team at for more details about our financial help).
- Number of beds served by the hospital pharmacy: 501-1000
- Number of pharmacists employed: 8
- Number of pharmacy technicians: 1
- Pharmacy support stuff: 14
- Number of trainees: 6
The pharmacy staff speaks English and Italian.
Description of the training
The Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico Hospital will provide training on the following Statements:
2.1 Hospital pharmacists should be involved in the complex process of procurement of medicines. They should ensure transparent procurement processes are in place in line with best practice and national legislation, and based on the principles of safety, quality and efficacy of medicines.
2.6 Hospital pharmacies should have responsibility for all medicines logistics in hospitals. This includes proper storage, preparation, dispensing, distribution and disposal conditions for all medicines, including investigational medicines.
5.4 Hospital pharmacists should ensure the reporting of adverse drug reactions and medication errors to regional or national pharmacovigilance programmes or patient safety programmes.
5.7 Hospital pharmacists should ensure that the medicines administration process is designed such that transcription steps between the original prescription and the medicines administration record are eliminated.
Outline of the training experience provided by the Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico Hospital:
“Students will be involved in the process of medicine procurement that is applied in the Hospital Pharmacy including storage, preparation, dispensing, distribution and disposal conditions of drugs. Students will participate in ward inspections to verify the correct application of the internal procedures (management of high risk drugs, LASA,…). During the training, dispensing of medicines to discharge patients and outpatients will be conducted. Students will be able to observe the different management of controlled drugs which have specific procedures according to National legislation.
Students will learn different active strategies which have been implemented in the Hospital to report ADRs and medication errors through a regional pharmacovigilance programme. These strategies involve training and educational programs for all healthcare professionals in order to create awareness within the Hospital of the importance of ADR reporting. Guidelines for monitoring, detecting, preventing and reporting ADRs will be shared with fellows and they will be able to participate with Pharmacists in different ward teams allowing immediate problem recognition.
During the ward rounds, students will also be able to observe the medicines administration process“.
Duration of the training: 4 weeks
Apply to become a SILCC Fellow at the Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico Hospital
Please fill out the following form and send it back to with the subject “SILCC Fellow application form”.
If you have more questions about the Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico Hospital and the training they will provide, please contact the EAHP Implementation team at
Please remember that in addition to the SILCC Fellow form, you need to send the following documents after assessing your pharmacy using the self-assessment tool with your colleagues and Chief pharmacist/Directory of Pharmacy: