European Statement: 

  • Selection, Procurement and Distribution


Rebeca Iglesias-Barreira
Emilio Rubén Pego-Pérez
Carlos Sandoval-Aquino
Cristina López-Pardo y Pardo
Maria Jesús Rodríguez-Gay

What was done?: 

To develop a protocol for placement and removal of personal protective equipment (PPE), established for contact with possible or confirmed coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infected patients, taking into account the medical devices (MD) available during the pandemic. Alternatives and strategies were also proposed for resources optimization. Final protocol resulted from a multidisciplinary team work (Hospital Pharmacy Service team and Emergency Service workers). It was finally revised and approved by the Medical and Quality Direction.

Why was it done?: 

To guarantee workers safety as well as optimize the use of PPE in the hospital.

How was it done?: 

1)A systematic bibliographic review was made, for articles selection on the placement / removal of PPE. Technical specifications of the available MD and the sanitary recommendations of the competent organitations were reviewed.
2)Establishment of PPE components, and the order of placement and removal:
a. PPE placement:1-Wash hands (WH).2-Place shims.3-WH.4-Put on the first pair of gloves.5-Put on FFP2 mask.6-Wear waterproof protective overalls from the feet.7-Place garbage bags on feet and adjust them on legs.8-Wash gloves with a hydroalcoholic solution (HS).9-Put on second pair of gloves.10-Put on a standard/reinforced surgical gown.11-Wash HS.12-Put on surgical mask.13-Put on disposable gown.14-Put on third pair of gloves.15-Put on face protection screen. 16-Put on surgical cap and fit it over a face shield.
b. PPE removal: a) Before leaving the isolation room: 1-Remove and discard bags from both feet.2-Remove and discard disposable gown.3-Remove and discard the outermost gloves. b) Outside the isolation room: 1-Wash HS.2-Remove surgical cap and screen (reserve screen).3-Remove and discard surgical mask.4-Wash HS.5-Remove the standard/reinforced surgical gown and reserve it.6-Remove second pair of gloves.7-Wash HS.c) Before entering the clean area:1-Remove shoes.2-Remove third pair of gloves.d)Go to the clean area:1-Disinfect footwear.2-Wash HS.3-Remove monkey and if necessary reserve it. 4-Wash HS.5-Remove FFP2 mask and reserve it if necessary.6-WH.
c. A team member read and check all steps carried out during the all steps procedure.

What has been achieved?: 

The protocol was followed by 54 (100%) workers. Since its implantation, on March 16 th, only the 3,7% (n=2) of workers were infected by SARS-CoV-2.

What next?: 

The protocol is under constant revision and modification to adapt it to the available MD in every moment.


  • Hospital settingMultidisciplinary team
  • Medical deviceMedical device
  • QualityProtocols & guidelines

Conflict of interest: 

I have no potential conflict of interest to disclose
