841 mm wide x 1189 mm high (A0) – portrait format (posters may not be smaller or larger than this size).
- Title
- GPI Number
- Contact data
- What was done
- Why was done
- How it was done
- What was achieved
- What is next
Remember that viewers should be able to grasp the meaning of the poster without listening to an explanation or reading a report. To assist in this:
- Communicate the message simply
- Do not clutter the poster with too much detail
Use title lettering at least 2.5 cm high with text lettering at least 8 mm high and 0.7 mm thick. - Use pie charts, histograms, graphs, tables, clip art, drawings, symbols and photos to illustrate key points. Use colour effectively in these and make them simple, rather than complex.
- Design the poster to be read from left to right and top to bottom
- Where possible, use one-line statements or bullet phrases to highlight key points, rather than full sentences (this list is set off by bullet points)
- Use bold face type for headings and sub-headings
- Proofread the poster carefully. Ask a person independent of the project to review the text for clarity, organisation and brevity
- Bring white correction tape or fluid and black felt tip pen to the Congress to correct errors or scratches
Poster certificates for the presented posters will be sent to the authors by email within 15 days after the Congress. The duplicates can be provided by the author’s request within 60 days after the last Congress. Please note that in case of loss of your poster certificates, the certificate duplicates of the last EAHP congress as well as any other previous EAHP congresses certificates will not be provided after the deadline of 60 days (for the 2023 EAHP Congress, the deadline is 24 May 2023).
Authors should send a pdf of their poster to abstract@eahp.eu for inclusion on the EAHP website following the Congress. Deadline for receipt of your poster PDF is 01 March 2024. Click here to see some examples from last year.
The deadline to deliver and hang your poster at the Congress is Wednesday, 20 March 2024 from 10.15 to 17.00. Please note that there will be no access to the poster area to hang your posters before the indicated time. Please go to the poster area and check-in with the hostesses on duty to find out where and how to hang your poster. Note that all posters will be hung according to the Sections of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy and ATC code.
Presenters are expected to be present at their poster during 2 coffee breaks (Thursday 21 March, from 10.30 to 11.00, and Friday 22 March, from 10.30 to 11.30).
- A poster panel on which to hang posters
- A number for each poster board: this number indicates your assigned display station and also corresponds to the GPI number
- Mounting materials, including double sided adhesive tape.
- Note that the use of drawing pins will NOT be allowed
Staff to advise during poster mounting
If an author is unable to present his poster during the congress, he absolutely needs to notify the EAHP by sending an email to abstract@eahp.eu. If same situation happens 3 years in a row, the EAHP reserves the right to reject any other GPI submitted by the same author for future congresses. In addition, should the author not insure that their poster is hung during the congress either by the author or a colleague, the GPI will be removed from the online version of the EAHP Website.