European Statement
Introductory Statements and Governance
JLV, Johanne Lundgaard Vedersø; CEGP Constance Eline Grandjean Poulsen; SLO, Sigrid Linnemann Otnes
Why was it done?
Pediatric medication poses challenges due to frequent off-label drug use in this population. Managing pediatric medications requires close interdisciplinary collaboration. The aim of a strategic network was to improve knowledge sharing and collaboration across hospitals and organizations, finding common solutions to challenges related to pediatric medication.
What was done?
The Pediatric Pharmacist Group (PPG) in the Capital Region of Denmark and Region Zealand established a strategic network.
How was it done?
Many hospitals, only have one pharmacist assigned to the pediatric department. This creates challenges for managing complex issues, with hospitals potentially opting for different solutions to a common issue. Cross-hospital knowledge sharing is therefore crucial. PPG has members across hospitals as well as in the pharmacy’s Department of Implementation and Information. This allows easy access to clinical teams, pharmacologists, and the hospital pharmacy, including the production department.
PPG was organized with a clear mandate, structured communication channels, meeting frameworks, and a knowledge-sharing system. This structure combined with the large interface of PPG, resulted in a strategic network which can quickly mobilize relevant experts to discuss pediatric medication challenges of common interest.
An example is a seminar on 3D-printed medicine, hosted by PPG and the pediatric team from the Department of Clinical Pharmacology. The hospital pharmacy’s production department is working on developing 3D-printed medicine. The seminar was used to share knowledge and discuss the clinical need for such medications in pediatrics. Stakeholders included representatives from the pharmacy, hospitals, two Danish regions, and various professional disciplines (pharmacists, clinical pharmacologists, nurses, and pharmacy technicians).
What has been achieved?
A strategic network has been established, enabling the rapid mobilization of experts to find common solutions to complex challenges across hospitals and organizations.
During the 3D-printed medicine seminar, knowledge was successfully shared across organizations, providing insights into clinical needs and production possibilities. These discussions will guide future work on 3D-printed medicine.
What next?
The “strategic network” concept can be applied to other clinical areas e.g., intensive care units and the area of antibiotics.
The long-term goal for PPG’s strategic network is to evolve into a national network, enhancing knowledge sharing and finding solutions to pediatric medication challenges across Denmark.