The EAHP Board, elected for three-year terms, oversees the association’s activities. Comprising directors responsible for core functions, it meets regularly to implement strategic goals. Supported by EAHP staff, the Board controls finances, coordinates congress organization, and ensures compliance with statutes and codes of conduct.
European Statement
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Marta Del Vecchio, Federica Chinotti , Claudia Lauria Pantano, Elirosa Minniti, Erika Cataldo, Francesco Guidoni, Vito Ladisa
Why was it done?
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus – 2 (SARS-CoV-2 ) pandemic made it difficult to monitor the patient’s health condition because many of them were locked down at home, unable to attend routine hospital visits.
What was done?
The hospital pharmacist, focusing on therapeutic continuity, closely collaborated with the clinicians in monitoring patient’s condition using telemedicine and homedelivery services.
How was it done?
In the multidisciplinary team, the pharmacist and the clinician defined the criteria to choose the most suitable patients for the homedelivery service. One of the options was to dispense the drug in a neighboring hospital. Because of the sanitary system regionalization, some of those hospitals could have been located even more than 100 km away, resulting in a problem for the most critical patients. In order to help them, home delivery and telemedicine services has been considered. The clinician used to visit patients on digital platforms, making clinical evaluations based on the results of blood tests, diagnostic tests and imaging techniques. According to clinician’s indications, the pharmacist took contact with patients, in first to collect informations about any residual storage of the drugs, adverse reactions, therapeutic compliance and then to proceed with the delivery. Everything has been done in conformity with the General data protection regulation (GDPR).
What has been achieved?
From March to September 2020, the homedlivery service count 501 speditions all over the Nation, 480 patients has been contacted to recive therapy and 250 of them has been intensively monitored by calling to manage their follow up. Everything has been done in order to protect critical patients from pandemic, safeguarding the therapeutic continuity,in compliance with pharmacovigilance, risk managment and cost saving for the national health system, considering that the suspension of therapies could be considered an additional and not quantifiable cost, but certainly important.
What next?
The hospital pharmacist must collaborate ever more with the clinician even in the post-pandemic phase, remotely managing not only the most weak patients, but extending the telemedicine and homedelivery services to an increasing number of patients, in order to safeguard their health .